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Lesson plan of the teacher of English Medetova Indira Kyzylorda Kazaly,Aiteke bi kent, №249 school-lyceum Date The 2 ...
28.11.2015 13:26 1861 19
Date: The 6th of January Grade: 3rd form The theme of the lesson: “The best translator” The aims: a) educational: to enrich pupils' knowledge of ...
19.11.2015 19:01 889 1
Level: 4 grade The theme of the lesson: Countable and uncountable nouns The aims and objectives of the lesson: To ask and to talk about food and drink, to give some information about the “countable and uncountable no ...
19.11.2015 18:37 1279 10
Test yourself ____________________ Translate these words: a)tortoise-________, sheep-______, favourite-____________, parrot-___________ b)short-necked-____________, long-tailed-__________________, leaves ...
19.11.2015 18:31 840 2
Revision\Test І то?сан  Grade:____  Name: ________________________   < >.< >< > What`s your name? ____________________________ How are you? ________________ ...
19.11.2015 18:29 572 2

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