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Evaluation of the wallpaper 32-EK

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Here I evaluated wallpaper of 32-EK.Each of the leaflets and business cards is unique.I read all leaflets and business cards, and it was interesting to learn something new about them. To evaluate I used following criterias:

Content: All information is clear.They gave all the necessary information(address,number,e-mail.)

Accuracy: Everything is correct besides some mistakes such as ("I proud of".instead of "I am proud of)

Design :Both student made the job very well,also they used a good combination of colors. But their common poster looks like a little bit boring, because it doesn't attract much attention by its designing.It wasn`t clear why they used the pictures of butterflies and put them in the wallpaper.

Authentecity: The leaflets are made in original,authentic way.

Additional information:They used shapes of butterfllies to acctract our attention.

According to these criterias i can give the total point : 88/100

04.03.2018 22:39

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