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Rubrics for assessment of the project plan.

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Outline rubrics for the plan






The school topic is interesting to students. It supports the curriculum and is multifaceted enough to warrant deep study.

The school topic is interesting to students. The topic supports the curriculum and is not enough multifaceted to warrant deep study

The school topic holds some interest for students, peripherally relates to curriculum, and lends itself to superficial study. The topic is too narrow or lacks focus to justify deep study.

Essential question

EQ is very open allowing for research with many problem questions

ES is narrow – may be difficult to identify problem questions for thorough research

EQ is very narrow – is a simple question with a short answer.

The structure of the plan

The plan is convenient for operation and doesn’t have any flaws in the construction of the question

The plan is convenient for operation and doesn’t have any flaws in the construction of the question

The plan is wrong or missing

Timing of the project

The instructional timeline is planned backward from the scheduled opening event. For each step in the process, there is adequate time for student learning, planning, and reflection

The instructional timeline is planned several weeks in advance, but there isn’t an outline for the entire project. There is adequate time for student learning, but for some phases of the project student planning/ reflection are given short shrift.

The instructional timeline isn’t planned in advance. Rather, teachers plan one week or even one lesson at a time as the project unfolds. Critical steps in the process are given short shrift



The objectives describe

specific behaviors,

knowledge, and/or

products that relate to

standards and can be

assessed and

understood at a deep

level, where relevant

unit concepts are


The objectives describe specific behaviors, knowledge, and/or products that meet standards and reflect understanding of relevant unit concepts.

The objectives describe behaviors, knowledge, and/or products that are rather vague and only require superficial understanding of unit concepts.

prepared by V.Panchurina and A.Dosmagambetova (34 ER)

16.04.2017 19:16

© 2017 448

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