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Teachers' and students' roles

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Theme: In the world of fairy tales

Grade: 5

Level: lower pre intermediate


Teachers’ role

Students’ role

Preparing and planning

Week 1

Neutral facilitator

Engage students.

Help students select a topic.

Help students generate ideas by discussion.

Distribution of tasks/responsibilities among group members.

Discussion about the essential question. Creating project title, plan and schedule.

Doing intermediate tasks

Week 2


Checking the comprehension of reported speech by organizing games.

Neutral facilitator

Teacher tries to monitor the students’ success in using the software.

Collaborate expanding their active listening skills and requiring them to engage in intelligent focused communication. Also improving reading and speaking skills by reading and role playing the fairy tale.

Teach and help each other and share information.

Preparing for protection

Week 3

Devil’s advocate

When doing error correction work give on purpose not proper comments.Ally

Teacher encourages students to strive to be the best they can. This also includes encouraging students to enjoy learning.

Neutral Facilitator

Offer suggestions to solve problems. Respond to requests from students

Writing story using reported speech.

Making brochure that describing main characters.

Students should prove that they were right.

Draw conclusions of the project.


Week 4

Official view

Assess the outcomes

Offer suggestions for improvement

Collect and analyze feedback from students

Doing the self- assessment and fill the checklist.

Accepting the suggestions about improvement of the project.

21.04.2017 09:49

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