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Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 6 класс (УМК "Spotlight 6")

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«Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 6 класс (УМК "Spotlight 6")»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение города Джанкоя Республики Крым «Школа – гимназия «№6»


на заседании МО учителей иностранного языка

(протокол №4 от 29.12.2019)


Заместитель директора по УР МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

______ /А.А.Гоморова/



Приказом МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

от 28.12.2019 №660



6 класс

Разработчик Склярова Оксана Васильевна, учитель английского языка высшей категории



фонда оценочных средств

по английскому языку

(наименование учебного предмета, курса, дисциплины)

6 класс

№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы (темы) дисциплины


оценочного средства


Модуль 1. Я, моя семья, моя страна.

Модульный контроль №1.


Модуль 2. Я и мир вокруг меня.

Модульный контроль №2.


Модуль 3. По городу.

Модульный контроль №3.


Модуль 4. Школа. Досуг.

Модульный контроль №4.


Модуль 5. Праздники.

Модульный контроль №5.


Модули 1-5.

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие.


Модули 1-5.

Контроль говорения.


Модуль 6. Досуг.

Модульный контроль №6.


Модуль 7. Прошлое и настоящее.

Модульный контроль №7.


Модуль 8. Правила и инструкции.

Модульный контроль №8.


Модуль 9. Еда и напитки.

Модульный контроль №9.


Модуль 10. Каникулы.

Модульный контроль №10.


Модули 6-10.

Контрольная работа за 2 полугодие.


Модули 6-10.

Контроль говорения.


1. Критерии оценивания модульных контролей.

За контрольные работы оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов:

Оценка «2» - 49% и менее

Оценка «3» - от 50% до 69%

Оценка «4» - от 70% до 89%

Оценка «5» - от 90% до 100%

2.Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов (контроля говорения).

Устные ответы оцениваются по пяти критериям:

1) Содержание (соблюдение объема высказывания, соответствие теме, отражение всех аспектов, указанных в задании, стилевое оформление речи, аргументация, соблюдение

норм вежливости).

2) Взаимодействие с собеседником (умение логично и связно вести беседу, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, давать аргументированные и развернутые ответы на

вопросы собеседника, умение начать и поддерживать беседу, а также восстановить ее в

случае сбоя: переспрос, уточнение);

3) Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

4) Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

5) Произношение (правильное произнесение звуков английского языка, правильная постановка ударения в словах, а также соблюдение правильной интонации в предложениях).


Соблюден объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует

теме; отражены все аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на уровне, нормы вежливости соблюдены. Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач.

Лексика адекватна поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Использованы разные грамматические конструкций в соответствии с задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Редкие грамматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации.

Речь звучит в естественном темпе, нет грубых фонетических ошибок.


Не полный объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу

задания, аргументация не всегда на соответствующем уровне, но нормы вежливости соблюдены.

Коммуникация немного затруднена.

Лексические ошибки незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося. Грамматические незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося.

Речь иногда неоправданно паузирована. В отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки (замена, английских фонем сходными русскими). Общая интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Незначительный объем высказывания, которое не в полной мере соответствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи не в полной мере соответствует типу задания, аргументация не на соответствующем уровне, нормы вежливости не соблюдены.

Коммуникация существенно затруднена, учащийся не проявляет речевой инициативы.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых лексических ошибок.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых грамматических ошибок.

Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок.

Интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Учащийся не понимает смысла задания. Аспекты указанные в задании не учтены.

Коммуникативная задача не решена.

Учащийся не может построить высказывание.

Учащийся не может грамматически верно построить высказывание.

Речь понять не возможно.

Модульный контроль №1

Spotlight 6. Modular test 1.


Task A. Write the words.

Points: 6

Task B. Write the nationalities.


Spain -............................................


Japan -............................................


Poland -...........................................


Brazil -............................................


Britain -...........................................


Germany - ....................................

Points: 6

Task C. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

capital ● twins ● late ● north ● deserts ● slim ● nationality

wavy ● driving ● middle


Have you got a .................... licence?


Milan is in the........................ of Italy.


My grandparents are in their ................. sixties.


Lisa is tall and ................... with long, dark hair.


Madrid is the ..................................city of Spain.


In Africa there are a lot of................. .


Paul has got two brothers. They are.........


“What.............................. is she?” “She’s French.”


Her father is a .......................-aged man.


Sally’s hair is short and ..................... .

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the correct item.


Mark has got a new flat. His / Our flat is spacious.


What's yours / her phone number?


Is Ruth yours / your sister?


Is this skateboard his / her?


This camera isn't mine / my.


Their / Theirs house is very modern.


This little puppy isn't our / ours.


Are these books her / hers?


Tina and Susan are my / mine friends.


What is his / hers address?

Points: 10

Task E. Choose the correct item.


Whose camera is this? It's

A her B hers


Is this card?

A Roses' B Rose's


Mike is son.

A Peter's and Sue's’s B Peter and Sue's


These are pencils.

A Emily's B Emilys


This football isn't mine. It's my

A cousin's B cousins

Points: 5

Total: 37

Модульный контроль №2

Spotlight 6. Modular test 2.


Task A. Write the names of the furniture.

1. c _ _ b _ _ _ _

2. s _ _ _

3. w _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. f _ _ _ p _ _ _ _

5. b _ _ _ t _ _

6. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. b _ _ _ c _ _ _

Points: 7


Task B. Choose the right item.

1. Our house is ……… the bank and the toy shop. (under / between)

2. Where’s the newspaper? - It's …….. the table. (on / behind)

3. John sits ……… Pete in class. They are good friends. (on / next to)

4. I put flowers ……. a vase. (opposite / in)

5. Where’s the cat? - She's ……… the table. (between / under)

6. He sits …….. the computer all day. (in front of / in)

7. There are two paintings …….. the wall. ( inon)

Points: 7

Task C. What time is it?

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in: at, in, on.

1. What do you do ________ Saturdays?

2. The school starts ________ 8 o’clock.

3. I sometimes work ________ Tuesday morning.

4. I was born _____________ 1993.

5. Tom’s mother works _____________ night.

6. I do my homework ______________ the afternoon.

7. It’s very hot ___________ summer.

Points: 7

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. There’s a/any coffee table next to the sofa.

2. There are some/any paintings on the wall.

3. There isn’t a/any cat on the sofa.

4. There aren’t any/some newspapers under the table.

5. There some / any cushions on the sofa.

Points: 5

Task F. Write the numbers.

  1. 21st

  2. 41st

  3. 12th

  4. 30th

  5. 11th

Points: 5

Total: 36

Модульный контроль №3

Spotlight 6. Modular test 3.


Task A. Fill in the gaps with can and can’t.

  1. You _________ stop here.

  1. Pedestrian ________ walk here.

  1. You _________ drive at 40 mph.

  1. You ________ turn right.

  1. You _____ go there.

6. You … … lean out of the window.

7. You … … cross the road if there is no zebra crossing.

8. You … … talk to the driver.

9. You … … go on the pavement.

10. You … … push others when you enter the bus.

Points: 10

Task B. Guess the words.

  1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ warden

  2. lean out of the _ _ _ _ _ _

  3. _ _ _ _ lanes

  4. bicycle _ _ _ _ _ _

  5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lights

Points: 5

Task C. Match the words.

1. fly

2. ride

3. sail

4. drive

5. wear

6. look

7. lean out of

8. talk

9. cross

10. stand

11. turn

a) a car

b) both ways

c) a seat belt

d) a boat

e) right

f) the window

g) a bike

h) to the driver

i) the street

j) a plane

k) on the pavement

Points: 11

Task D. Complete the sentences with these words.

nickname seat belt for pavement lights racing ride

1. Bob and Mary can ______ a bike.

2. Stop at the traffic _____ .

3. “What`s your ______ ?”-“Shumi!”

4. Michael Schumacher is a ______ car driver.

5. David Beckham is famous _____ playing football.

6. Always wear a __________ when you travel by car.

7. Walk on the ____________, not the road.

Points: 7


Task E. Fill in: in, on, by

1. I go to school ______ foot.

2. She prefers travelling _____ plane.

3. Be careful ____ the roads.

4. We go to my granny _____ the 5 o`clock train.

5. Never carry a second person _____ your bike.

6. Always play _____ the school playground.

Points: 6

Total: 39

Модульный контроль №4

Spotlight 6. Modular test 4.


Task A. Match the words to make up word combinations.

  1. brush

  1. TV

  1. go to

  1. teeth

  1. play

  1. breakfast

  1. have

  1. bed

  1. go to

  1. lessons at school

  1. have

  1. music

  1. watch

  1. school

  1. listen to

  1. dinner

  1. have

  1. sports

Points: 9

Task B. Choose the correct words.

  1. I think hamburgers are delicious / boring.

  2. I don’t like science fiction / comedy.

  3. News / Sitcoms make me laugh.

  4. On Saturdays I help my mom around / down the house.

  5. The leader teaches us how to build / tie fires.

  6. When we go camping my father always put up / on a tent.

  7. They often do / go camping on Sundays.

Points: 7


Task C. Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

  1. a) Jim never is at work.

b) Jim is at work never.

c) Never is Jim at work.

d) Jim is never at work.

  1. a) We have usually lunch at 12 o’clock.

b) We usually have lunch at 12 o’clock.

c) We have lunch at usually 12 o’clock.

d) We have lunch at 12 usually o’clock.

3. a) She travels always by train.

b) Always she travels by train.

c) She always travels by train.

d) She travels by always train.

4. a) They go out sometimes in the evening.

b) They sometimes go out in the evening.

c) They go out in sometimes the evening.

d) They go sometimes out in the evening.

Points: 4

Task D. Choose the right item.

1. Edward study / studies Biology at school.

2. Do / Does Margaret go to the cinema on Saturdays?

3. My sister don’t / doesn’t eat breakfast every day.

4. What time do / does he leave for school?

5. Jack and Mike meet / meets once a week.

Points: 5


Task E. Read the information in the chart and write TRUE or FALSE.


TV programmes

How often they watch their programmes


Game shows

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Soap operas

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Cooking programmes

Monday, Wednesday

The news

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Reality shows



Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday



Saturday, Sunday


Thursday, Friday, Saturday

1. Lee watches sitcoms and comedies three times a week.

2. Henry doesn’t watch the news.

3. Mimi watches soap operas every day.

4. Karen watches TV four times a week.

5. Lee doesn’t watch TV on Wednesdays.

Points: 5

Task F. Read the chart again and answer the questions.

1. What kind of TV programmes does Lee like?

2. What kind of TV shows does Mimi like?

3. How often does Henry watch cartoons?

4. Does Karen watch the news and reality shows?

Points: 4

Total: 34

Модульный контроль №5

Spotlight 6. Modular test 5.


Task A. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is Claire wearing?

2. What kind of hat is Claire wearing?

3. What is Claire doing?

4. What are her friends eating?

5. What is everybody listening to?

6. Where are Claire’s parents?

Points: 6


Task B. Choose do or make to complete the sentences.

  1. I need to _______ my homework.

  2. I can't _____ cookies for the party.

  3. On Saturdays we usually ___________ the gardening.

  4.  Can I ____________ a phone call?

  5. You must be quiet. You mustn't ______ a noise.

Points: 5

Task C. Choose the correct item.

  1. Can we decorate / have the house?

  2. Let`s exchange / spend gifts now!

  3. This party is absolutely / well brilliant!

  4. Thanks for your being / listening.

  5. That looks like a fun game. Can I join / run in?

Points: 5


Task D.  Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb “to be” (am, is are)

1. My sister ……… writing a letter.               

2. His brothers …… playing golf.         

3. The mice …… eating cheese.

4. Tim and Tom …… sleeping.          

5.  Our friends …… singing.                 

6.  Those women …….. dancing.

7.  I ……..sleeping.                      

8.  The woman ….. looking at me.

Points: 8

Task D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Continuous form.

1. I ………. (write) the e-mail.

2. We ………. (have) a great time in Florida.

  1. I………. (work) very hard at the moment.

  2. ………. (you/ take) photos?

  3. John ………. (not/run) in the street.

  4. ……….my mum and her friends ………(drink) coffee?

Points: 6

Total: 30

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие

Spotlight 6. Mid test.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task A. Choose the right item.

1. I am going to the ………. to buy stamps.

A. toy shop

B. sports shop

C. post office

2. Is that ……….new car?

A. there

B. theirs

C. their

3. Why don’t you come ……….?

A. up

B. down

C. over

4. My brother ……….go out alone, he’s only three.

A. isn’t

B. hasn’t

C. can’t

5. There are ……….cushions on the sofa.

A. a

B. some

C. any

6. She ……….take the bus to school, she walks.

A. don’t

B. does

C. doesn’t

7. The ……….on her identification card is 15 – 6 – 07.

A. full name

B. expiry date

C. telephone number

8. We watch the Simpsons every night. We ……….miss it.

A. always

B. never

C. sometimes

9. I’ll ……….lunch while you’re at the shops.

A. makes

B. make

C. do

10. We’ll ……….a special dish for John’s birthday.

A. do

B. has

C. make

11. What’s the date today? – I think it’s ………. .

A. 25th July

B. Tuesday


12. They ……….the washing up now.

A. are doing

B. do

C. does

13. Pedro is from Barcelona, he is ………. .

A. Spanish

B. Spain

C. Spaniard

14. Is the food good? - ……….special.

A. Something

B. Anything

C. Nothing

15. Why don’t we meet ……….7 o’clock?

A. on

B. at

C. in

16. What time is it? – Its half ……….five.

A. to

B. thirty

C. past

17. ……….do you like my new dress? – It’s lovely!

A. When

B. How

C. Why

18. There’s a cinema ……….to the library.

A. opposite

B. next

C. behind

19. Why aren’t there ………..chairs in the kitchen.

A. a

B. some

C. any

20. Don’t touch that! It’s ……….!

A. yours

B. my

C. mine

21. What’s your ……….? – 15, Willow Avenue.

A. date

B. birthday

C. address

22. ……….the evening, I do my homework.

A. At

B. In

C. On

23. My favourite ……….is on TV tonight.

A. sitcom

B. fiction

C. music

24. ……….me, is the library on this street?

A. Sorry

B. Excuse

C. Welcome

25. What’s your father’s ……….? – He’s a doctor.

A. full name

B. team

C. occupation

26. Then you turn right ……….the traffic light.

A. in

B. at

C. on

27. ……….your home address?

A. What’s

B. Where’s

C. How’s

28. How many brothers ……….Jimmy got?

A. has

B. is

C. have

29. What is your ……….? – I am Canadian.

A. postcode

B. nationality

C. full name

30. How……….do you go out with your friends?

A. usually

B. rarely

C. often

Points: 30

Every day English

Task B. Choose the correct response.

1. What’s the date today?

a. It’s Monday.

b. It’s 6th October.

2. Thank you very much.

a. Don’t mention it.

b. Not really.

3. What about Saturday night then?

a. Sounds great.

b. I think so, why?

4. Where are you from?

a. Baker Street.

b. Spain.

5. What do you think of this sitcom?

a. I don’t like them.

b. It’s awful.

Points: 5


Task C. Read the email and mark True (true), False (false) and DS (doesn’t say).

1. Robert’s perfect day is Saturday.

2. Robert is very busy on Saturday.

3. Robert wakes up very early on Sunday.

4. Robert and Sparky meet friends at the park.

5. The basketball court is not far from his house.

6. Robert always listens to music.

Points: 6

Total: 41

Контроль говорения за 1 полугодие

Перечень тем для контроля говорения. Учащиеся готовят одну тему на выбор.

1. My best friend in my family. (What does she / he look like? What is she / he like? What do you usually do together?)

2. My place. / My neighbourhood.

3. A famous sportsman in my country.

4. My free time. / My perfect day.

5. My favourite national festival.

Модульный контроль №6

Spotlight 6. Modular test 6.

Variant I


Task A. Write the words.

1. _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. _ _ _ _ _

6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct word.

board meet weekend drama boring jigsaw novels once

1. Julia is fond of reading ………. .

2. How often do you ……….your friends?

3. Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every ………. .

4. I think ……….games like backgammon are lots of fun.

5. Jack and Liz don’t like doing ……….puzzles.

6. Sharon goes swimming ……….a week.

7. I think you are good at acting. Why not you join our ……….club?

Points: 7


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Mum is cooking / cooks at the moment.

2. George is learning / learns to windsurf these days.

3. Pam is meeting / meets her friends every weekend.

4. He is not having / doesn’t have a shower right now.

5. I am going / go to see my parents every Saturday.

6. Children are playing / play Scrabble now.

Points: 6

Task D. Write the correct verb form: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Bobby…………………….. (read) a magazine every evening.

2. What are you doing? – I ………. (look) at my hair in the mirror.

3. I usually……………………. (drink) tea at 5 o’clock.

4. Jess ……….(love) reading fantasy.

5. Kate and Sam ………. (run) around in the garden at the moment.

6. Mike ………. (not / go) jogging in the morning.

Points: 6

Task E. Form compound nouns.

1. tooth

2. news

3. basket

4. rain

5. drug

6. hair

a. bow

b. brush

c. paper

d. dresser

e. ball

f. store

Points: 6

Task F. Use - ist, - or, - er to form nouns.

1. play –

2. cycle –

3. direct –

4. football –

5. art –

6. paint –

Points: 6

Total: 37

Spotlight 6. Modular test 6.

Variant II


Task A. Write the words.

1. _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. _ _ _ _ _

6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct word.

board meet weekend drama boring jigsaw novels once

1. How often do you ……….your friends?

2. I think ……….games like backgammon are lots of fun.

3. Jack and Liz don’t like doing ……….puzzles.

4. Sharon goes swimming ……….a week.

5. Julia is fond of reading ………. .

6. I think you are good at acting. Why not you join our ……….club?

7. Mary loves windsurfing. She tries to go every ………. .

Points: 7


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Pam is meeting / meets her friends every weekend.

2. Mum is cooking / cooks at the moment.

3. He is not having / doesn’t have a shower right now.

4. I am going / go to see my parents every Saturday.

5. Children are playing / play Scrabble now.

6. George is learning / learns to windsurf these days.

Points: 6

Task D. Write the correct verb form: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Bobby…………………….. (read) a magazine every evening.

2. What are you doing? – I ………. (look) at my hair in the mirror.

3. I usually……………………. (drink) tea at 5 o’clock.

4. Jess ………. (love) reading fantasy.

5. Kate and Sam ………. (run) around in the garden at the moment.

6. Mike ………. (not / go) jogging in the morning.

Points: 6

Task E. Form compound nouns.

1. tooth

2. news

3. basket

4. rain

5. drug

6. hair

a. paper

b. brush

c. bow

d. dresser

e. ball

f. store

Points: 6

Task F. Use - ist, - or, - er to form nouns.

1. play –

2. cycle –

3. direct –

4. football –

5. art –

6. paint –

Points: 6

Total: 37

Модульный контроль №7

Spotlight 6. Modular test 7.

Variant I


Task A. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1. wealthy

2. clean

3. busy

4. crowded

5. relaxed

6. beautiful

a. ugly

b. quiet

c. stressed

d. poor

e. polluted

f. deserted

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct words.

• naughty • bored • ruined • rush •mines •tired •alive •puzzled

  1. He made nine films while he was________________.

  2. They are ____________ because they have nothing to do.

  3. The teacher was angry because his students were ________ .

  4. My grandparents` house was __________ after the Second World War.

  5. Don`t _________. We have lots of time.

  6. I didn`t know where to go. I was _______________.

  7. Lots of people from Mineral Park worked in the ____________.

  8. I am ____________ because I worked for a long time.

Points: 8


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Samuel was / were hungry, so he make some sandwiches.

2. They was / were busy 2 days ago.

3. Greg wasn’t / weren’t busy, so he met his friends after work.

4. Was / Were you ill last month?

5. Children was / were naughty.

6. I was / were bored and I decided to watch a comedy film.

7. My parents was / were in Milan last summer.

8. When was / were your sisters at home?

Points: 8

Task D. Rewrite the sentences in the past. Use the words in brackets.

1. Kieran comes home at night (yesterday)

2. She lives with her mother and one brother in the city.(many years ago)

3. We are at home (last night).

4. I meet Sue at the pub. (last week)

5. We don’t go to school. (in 2012)

6. I hear a new song on the radio (5 minutes ago).

7. Susan has a baby (in August.)

8. I give my mother a smartphone for her birthday (last year).

9. She doesn’t drink too much coffee (yesterday).

10. We often visit our parents (on Saturday)

Points: 10

Total: 32

Spotlight 6. Modular test 7.

Variant II


Task A. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1. wealthy

2. clean

3. busy

4. crowded

5. relaxed

6. beautiful

a. polluted

b. deserted

c. stressed

d. poor

e. ugly

f. quiet

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct words.

• naughty • bored • ruined • rush •mines •tired •alive •puzzled

1. The teacher was angry because his students were ________ .

2. My grandparents` house was __________ after the Second World War.

3. Don`t _________. We have lots of time.

4. They are ____________ because they have nothing to do.

5. I didn`t know where to go. I was _______________.

6. He made nine films while he was________________.

7. I am ____________ because I worked for a long time.

8. Lots of people from Mineral Park worked in the ____________.

Points: 8


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Samuel was / were hungry, so he make some sandwiches.

2. They was / were busy 2 days ago.

3. Greg wasn’t / weren’t busy, so he met his friends after work.

4. Was / Were you ill last month?

5. Children was / were naughty.

6. I was / were bored and I decided to watch a comedy film.

7. My parents was / were in Milan last summer.

8. When was / were your sisters at home?

Points: 8

Task D. Rewrite the sentences in the past. Use the words in brackets.

1. Kieran comes home at night (yesterday)

2. She lives with her mother and one brother in the city.(many years ago)

3. We are at home (last night).

4. I meet Sue at the pub. (last week)

5. We don’t go to school. (in 2012)

6. I hear a new song on the radio (5 minutes ago).

7. Susan has a baby (in August.)

8. I give my mother a smartphone for her birthday (last year).

9. She doesn’t drink too much coffee (yesterday).

10. We often visit our parents (on Saturday)

Points: 10

Total: 32

Модульный контроль № 8

Spotlight 6. Modular test 8.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in the correct word.

restaurant zoo cottage store hotel palace library

sports tent gallery

1. They live in the ……….in the country.

2. There are lots of works of art in the ………. .

3. This is a really big department ………. . They sell everything here.

4. On holidays we stay in a five – star ………. .

5. Children want to see the animals at the ………. .

6. The Queen lives in the big ………. .

7. They are staying in a small ……….at the campsite.

8. I’m hungry. Can we go to the fast food ……….?

9. Tim is keeping fit at the ……….centre.

10. I am taking this book back to the ………. .

Points: 10

Task B. Match.

1. make

2. bare

3. kitchen

4. have

5. move

6. cook

7. meet

a. parties

b. friends

c. foot

d. furniture

e. appliances

f. noise

g. meals

Points: 7

Task C. Choose the correct item.

1. You can see fish / watch football at the aquarium.

2. You can buy bread / have a snack at the baker’s.

3. You can exercise / relax at the gym.

4. You can watch a movie / see a play at the theatre.

5. You can find a book / take pictures at the library.

6. You can have a picnic / watch a film in the park.

Points: 6


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. You must / can’t go to school. That’s the law.

2. You must / can’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

3. You must / mustn’t go to the doctor. You look ill.

4. You must / mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

5. You must / can’t have any pets in this room. It’s not allowed.

Points: 5

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. February is the shorter / shortest month in the year.

2. She is one of the good / best tennis players in the world.

3. My father is strong / stronger than my brother.

4. A sofa is more comfortable / most comfortable than a chair.

5. My grandfather is the older / oldest person in my family.

6. A car is more expensive / expensive than a bike.

7. Sharks are the most dangerous / more dangerous animals in the sea.

Points: 7

Total: 35

Модульный контроль № 8

Spotlight 6. Modular test 8.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in the correct word.

restaurant zoo cottage store hotel palace library

store sports tent

1. They are staying in a small ……….at the campsite.

2. This is a really big department ………. . They sell everything here.

3. I am taking this book back to the ………. .

4. On holidays we stay in a five – star ………. .

5. Children want to see the animals at the ………. .

6. They live in the ……….in the country.

7. The Queen lives in the big ………. .

8. I’m hungry. Can we go to the fast food ……….?

9. There are lots of works of art in the ………. .

10. Tim is keeping fit at the ……….centre.

Points: 10

Task B. Match.

1. cook

2. have

3. kitchen

4. bare

5. move

6. make

7. meet

a. parties

b. friends

c. foot

d. furniture

e. appliances

f. noise

g. meals

Points: 7

Task C. Choose the correct item.

1. You can exercise / relax at the gym.

2. You can watch a movie / see a play at the theatre.

3. You can see fish / watch football at the aquarium.

4. You can find a book / take pictures at the library.

5. You can have a picnic / watch a film in the park.

6. You can buy bread / have a snack at the baker’s.

Points: 6


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. You must / can’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

2. You must / can’t have any pets in this room. It’s not allowed.

3. You must / mustn’t go to the doctor. You look ill.

4. You must / mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

5. You must / can’t go to school. That’s the law.

Points: 5

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. My father is strong / stronger than my brother.

2. February is the shorter / shortest month in the year.

3. A sofa is more comfortable / most comfortable than a chair.

4. My grandfather is the older / oldest person in my family.

5. A car is more expensive / expensive than a bike.

6. Sharks are the most dangerous / more dangerous animals in the sea.

7. She is one of the good / best tennis players in the world.

Points: 7

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №9

Spotlight 6. Modular test 9.

Variant I


Task A. Write the words.

  1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) _ _ _ _ _ _

4) _ _ _ _ _

5) _ _ _ _

6) _ _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words from the two columns.

1) a cup of

2) a jar of

3) a bowl of

4) a packet of

5) a piece of

6) a tin of

7) a bottle of

8) a carton of

9) a loaf of

10) a bar of

  1. milk

  2. salad

  3. bread

  4. tea

  5. cake

  6. chocolate

  7. sardine

  8. biscuits

  9. honey

  10. olive oil

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the questions with How much / How many.

1. ………. chocolate does Trig eat every day?

2. ………. butter is there in the fridge?

3. ………. eggs do we need for eight pancakes?

4. ………. popcorn have they got?

5. ………. burgers are there?

6. ………. cola is there?

7. ………. glasses are there on the table?

8. ………. fruit do you eat every day?

Points: 8

Task D. Choose the right word.

1. Is there some / any cheese in the fridge?

2. There aren’t many / much oranges on the table.

3. There is a few / a little milk for a cake.

4. I don’t need any / some potatoes for carrot soup.

5. John wants a few / a little sugar in his coffee.

6. There is a lot of / any water in the bottle.

7. They have got a few / a little strawberries at home.

8. There is some / a few yoghurt in the pot.

Points: 8

Task E. Choose the correct word.

1. Would you like me to boil / melt you an egg for your breakfast?

2. Sally, can you peel / stir the soup for me, please?

3. Let's pour / bake a birthday cake for Jack.

4. Melt / Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.

5. Can you pour / peel the potatoes, please?

Points: 5

Task F. Write the correct form, Simple Present or Present Continuous, of the verbs in the brackets.

1. My grandmother usually ………. (cook) for the family.

2. Jane ………. (eat) fish twice a week.

3. Mum ………. (fry) meat now.

4. Where ………. (you/go)? - To the post office.

5. I ………. (not / like) dark chocolate.

Points: 5

Total: 42

Модульный контроль №9

Spotlight 6. Modular test 9.

Variant II


Task A. Write the words.

1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) _ _ _ _ _ _

4) _ _ _ _ _

5) _ _ _ _

6) _ _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words from the two columns.

1) a loaf of

2) a bar of

3) a bottle of

4) a packet of

5) a piece of

6) a tin of

7) a bowl of

8) a carton of

9) a cup of

10) a jar of

  1. milk

  2. salad

  3. bread

  4. tea

  5. cake

  6. chocolate

  7. sardine

  8. biscuits

  9. honey

  10. olive oil

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the questions with How much / How many.

1. ………. popcorn have they got?

2. ………. burgers are there?

3. ………. cola is there?

4. ………. butter is there in the fridge?

5. ………. glasses are there on the table?

6. ………. chocolate does Trig eat every day?

7. ………. fruit do you eat every day?

8. ………. eggs do we need for eight pancakes?

Points: 8

Task D. Choose the right word.

1. They have got a few / a little strawberries at home.

2. I don’t need any / some potatoes for carrot soup.

3. John wants a few / a little sugar in his coffee.

4. There is a few / a little milk for a cake.

5. There is a lot of / any water in the bottle.

6. Is there some / any cheese in the fridge?

7. There is some / a few yoghurt in the pot.

8. There aren’t many / much oranges on the table.

Points: 8

Task E. Choose the correct word.

1. Kate, can you peel / stir the soup for me, please?

2. Would you like me to boil / melt you an egg for your breakfast?

3. Melt / Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.

4. Can you pour / peel the potatoes, please?

5. Let's pour / bake a birthday cake for Mike.

Points: 5

Task F. Write the correct form, Simple Present or Present Continuous, of the verbs in the brackets.

1. My mum usually ………. (cook) for the family.

2. Susan ………. (eat) fish twice a week.

3. Jane ………. (fry) meat now.

4. Where ………. (you/go)? - To the post office.

5. I ………. (not / like) dark chocolate.

Points: 5

Total: 42

Модульный контроль №10

Spotlight 6. Modular test 10.

Variant I


Task A. What are they wearing? Match.

1. Laura is wearing jeans and a pink shirt, also is wearing a brown belt.

2. Tammy is wearing boots, a green blouse and gray trousers.

3. Fred is wearing black shoes, a denim jacket, green pants and beige shirt.

4. Paul is wearing brown boots, blue jeans and a green T-shirt.

5. Lucy is wearing brown high heels, tights, a grey jacket and a light blue skirt.

6. Mark is wearing brown shoes, black belt, blue jeans and a red T-shirt

7. Kate is wearing black boots, two blouses, one green and the other one is blue, and grey trousers.

8. Susan’s wearing blue leggings, blue boots, green blouse, fuchsia ponytail and same colour of skirt.

Points: 8

Task B. What’s the weather like? Write the adjective. Finish the sentence Its … .







Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word.

stay have visit go spend buy taste post attend fly

1. Jane wants to ……….in a hotel.

2. Why don’t we ……….a picnic?

3. She wants to ……….a performance at the theatre.

4. We always ……….local food when we are on holiday.

5. Do you know where I can ……….these letters?

6. When they go on holiday they always ……….souvenirs.

7. When are going to ……….to London?

8. How are you going to ……….your weekend?

9. We can ……….the museum this afternoon.

10. My parents are going to ……….sightseeing tomorrow.

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. They were happy so / because they passed the test.

2. We are late so / because we missed the bus.

3. I was hungry, so / because I went to the fast food restaurant.

4. Nina is wearing a coat so / because it’s cold today.

5. He’s tired so / because he didn’t sleep.

6. You have got a lot of homework so / because you can’t play basketball.

Points: 6

Task E. Complete the sentences with will, going to, Present Continuous.

1. Laura _________________ (go) to London next week.

2. We _________________ (have) a party next Saturday.

3. I hope it ___________ (rain) during the holidays.

4. We ___________ (organise) a trip next weekend.

5. It’s very hot. I ________________ (open) the windows.

6. She can’t go with you this afternoon. She ___________ (go) to the dentist.

7. We__________ (meet) our friends tonight.

8. What are your plans for next summer? I ________ (visit) my grandparents in Bristol.

Points: 8

Total: 38

Модульный контроль №10

Spotlight 6. Modular test 10.

Variant II


Task A. What are they wearing? Match.

1. Tammy is wearing boots, a green blouse and gray trousers.

2. Paul is wearing brown boots, blue jeans and a green T-shirt.

3. Lucy is wearing brown high heels, tights, a grey jacket and a light blue skirt.

4. Mark is wearing brown shoes, black belt, blue jeans and a red T-shirt.

5. Laura is wearing jeans and a pink shirt, also is wearing a brown belt.

6. Kate is wearing black boots, two blouses, one green and the other one is blue, and grey trousers.

7. Susan’s wearing blue leggings, blue boots, green blouse, fuchsia ponytail and same colour of skirt.

8. Fred is wearing black shoes, a denim jacket, green pants and beige shirt.

Points: 8

Task B. What’s the weather like? Write the adjective. Finish the sentence Its … .







Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word.

stay have visit go spend buy taste post attend fly

1. She wants to ……….a performance at the theatre.

2. Do you know where I can ……….these letters?

3. When they go on holiday they always ……….souvenirs.

4. We always ……….local food when we are on holiday.

5. Mike wants to ……….in a hotel.

6. When are going to ……….to London?

7. We can ……….the museum this afternoon.

8. My parents are going to ……….sightseeing tomorrow.

9. Why don’t we ……….a picnic?

10. How are you going to ……….your weekend?

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. They were happy so / because they passed the test.

2. We are late so / because we missed the bus.

3. I was hungry, so / because I went to the fast food restaurant.

4. Nina is wearing a coat so / because it’s cold today.

5. He’s tired so / because he didn’t sleep.

6. You have got a lot of homework so / because you can’t play basketball.

Points: 6

Task E. Complete the sentences with will, going to, Present Continuous.

1. Laura _________________ (go) to London next week.

2. We _________________ (have) a party next Saturday.

3. I hope it ___________ (rain) during the holidays.

4. We ___________ (organise) a trip next weekend.

5. It’s very hot. I ________________ (open) the windows.

6. She can’t go with you this afternoon. She ___________ (go) to the dentist.

7. We__________ (meet) our friends tonight.

8. What are your plans for next summer? I ________ (visit) my grandparents in Bristol.

Points: 8

Total: 38

Контрольная работа за 2 полугодие

Spotlight 6. Exit test.


Task A. Listen and match the people to the activities. One answer is EXTRA. ( DON`T use it)

1. Mark

2. Mary

3. Mum

4. Jim

5. Dad

A. shop for souvenirs

B. visit museums

C. stay in hotel

D. do sightseeing

E. shop for clothes

F. taste local food

Points: 5


Task B. Read the text and match the title to the paragraphs. One title is extra.

A. Healthy food comes to schools.

B. Sad facts to discover.

C. Chips are dangerous for kid’s health.

D. Fresh food is not everyone’s favourite.

E. Jamie Oliver and why he is famous.

F. Important questions to you.

Jamie’s school dinner campaign

1. Many people in England and other countries know Jamie Oliver. He is an English cook. He is famous for his book and TV series «Jamie’s school dinners», in which he tried to make food in schools better.

2. Jamie studied what children eat for school dinner. He found out that they eat lots of chips plus all sorts of junk food which contains too much fat, salt and sugar. Such food is harmful.

3. He then decided to campaign for healthy food in schools: fresh meat or fish, fresh vegetables, salad and fruit at every meal. More than 270, 000 people signed (подписали) the petition, the government gave 280 million pounds and certain junk food was banned (запрещены) from school menus.

4. The problem is that fresh food takes more time to prepare and costs much more than processed (переработанный) food. Many of them now refuse (отказываются) to eat school dinners at all!

5. Is your diet healthy? How much junk food do you eat? Are you ready to give it up?






Points: 5


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Chess and backgammon are both ……….games.

a. table

b. bored

c. board

2. We had a nice picnic in the ………. .

a. restaurant

b. stadium

c. park

3. Jim does bodybuilding at the sports ………. .

a. place

b. centre

c. room

4. Home - ………. Puddings are delicious.

a. made

b. done

c. played

5. We plan to ……….a theatre performance.

a. go

b. attend

c. listen

6. Wear your ………. . It’s going to rain.

a. raincoat

b. dress

c. sunglasses

7. ……….the butter before you put it in the bowl.

a. Bake

b. Melt

c. Fry

8. She is really ……….on cycling.

a. interested

b. good

c. keen

9. I’ll get a ……….of biscuits while I’m at the shops.

a. loaf

b. packet

c. cup

10. She likes to walk ………. in the park, without her shoes.

a. outdoor

b. on foot

c. barefoot

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. There is ……….food in the fridge.

a. any

b. a

c. some

2. A lion is ……….than an elephant.

a. smaller

b. smallest

c. small

3. I’m not ……….to go to the cinema tonight.

a. will

b. would

c. going

4. Look at those black clouds. It ……….to rain.

a. will

b. is going

c. go

5. He’s got a broken leg, ………..he can’t play football.

a. so

b. because

c. before

6. ……….he like playing Monopoly?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Is

7. Mr Smith ……….to California last month.

a. move

b. moved

c. moves

8. That is the ……….tree in the forest.

a. taller

b. tallest

c. tall

9. I ……….there late tomorrow afternoon.

a. am going to arrive

b. arrive

c. arrived

10. You are on holiday. You ……….wake up early!

a. have to

b. needn’t

c. mustn’t

Points: 10

Total: 30

Контроль говорения за 2 полугодие

Перечень тем для контроля говорения. Учащиеся готовят одну тему на выбор.

1. My favourite game.

2. Walt Disney and why he was famous.

3. My weekends.

4. My favourite dish, its ingredients and how to cook it.

5. My plans for the holidays.


Test 1

Task A

1. camera

2. watch

3. football

4. computer

5. skateboard

6. alarm clock

Task B

1. Spanish

2. Polish

3. British

4. Japanese

5. Brazilian

6. German

Task C

1. driving

2. late

3. capital

4. twins

5. middle

6. north

7. slim

8. deserts

9. nationality

10. wavy

Task D

1. His

2. your

3. mine

4. ours

5. my

6. her

7. his

8. Their

9. hers

10. his

Task E

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. A

Test 2

Task A

1. cupboard

2. sink

3. wardrobe

4. fire place

5. bathtub

6. curtains

7. bookcase

Task B

1. between

2. on

3. next to

4. in

5. under

6. in front of

7. on

Task C

1. It’s half past eight.

2. It’s a quarter to nine.

3. It’s ten past twelve.

4. It’s twenty-five to eight.

5. It’s one o’clock.

Task D

1. on

2. at

3. on

4. in

5. at

6. in

7. in

Task E

1. a

2. some

3. a

4. any

5. some

Task F

1. twenty – first

2. forty – first

3. twelfth

4. thirtieth

5. eleventh

Test 3

Task A

1. can’t

2. can

3. can

4. can’t

5. can’t

6. can’t

7. can’t

8. can’t

9. can

10. can’t

Task B

1. traffic

2. window

3. bike

4. helmet

5. traffic

Task C

1. j

2. g

3. d

4. a

5. c

6. b

7. f

8. h

9. i

10. e

Task D

1. ride

2. lights

3. nickname

4. racing

5. for

6. seat belt

7. pavement

Task E

1. on

2. by

3. on

4. on

5. on

6. in

Test 4

Task A

1. b

2. d

3. f, i

4. c, e, h

5. g

6. c, e, h

7. a

8. f

9. c, e, h

Task B

1. delicious

2. fiction

3. Sitcoms

4. around

5. build

6. up

7. go

Task C

1. d

2. b

3. c

4. b

Task D

1. studies

2. Does

3. doesn’t

4. does

5. meet

Task E

1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. False

Task F

1. Sitcoms

2. Soap operas

3. Twice a week

4. No, she doesn’t.

Test 5

Task A

1. Her favourite T – shirt.

2. A party hat.

3. She is laughing with her friends.

4. Sandwiches.

5. To happy music.

6. In the kitchen.

Task B

1. do

2. make

3. do

4. make

5. make

Task C

1. decorate

2. exchange

3. absolutely

4. listening

5. join

Task D

1. is

2. are

3. are

4. are

5. are

6. are

7. am

8. is

Task E

1. I am writing the e-mail.

2. We are having a great time in Florida.

3. I am working very hard at the moment.

4. Are you taking photos?

5. John is not running in the street.

6. Are my mum and her friends drinking coffee?

Mid test

Task A

1. C

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. C

20. C

21. C

22. B

23. A

24. B

25. C

26. C

27. A

28. A

29. B

30. C

Task B

1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. b

Task C

1. False

2. DS

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. False

Test 6

Variant I

Task A

1. chess

2. windsurfing

3. fishing

4. cycling

5. darts

6. dominoes

Task B

1. novels

2. meet

3. weekend

4. board

5. jigsaw

6. once

7. drama

Task C

1. is cooking

2. is learning

3. meets

4. is not having

5. go

6. are playing

Task D

1. reads

2. am looking

3. drink

4. loves

5. are running

6. doesn’t go

Task E

1. toothbrush

2. newspaper

3. basketball

4. rainbow

5. drugstore

6. hairdresser / hairbrush

Task F

1. player

2. cyclist

3. director

4. footballer

5. artist

6. painter

Variant II

Task A

1. chess

2. windsurfing

3. fishing

4. cycling

5. darts

6. dominoes

Task B

1. meet

2. board

3. jigsaw

4. once

5. novels

6. drama

7. weekend

Task C

1. meets

2. is cooking

3. is not having

4. go

5. are playing

6. is learning

Task D

1. reads

2. am looking

3. drink

4. loves

5. are running

6. doesn’t go

Task E

1. toothbrush

2. newspaper

3. basketball

4. rainbow

5. drugstore

6. hairdresser / hairbrush

Task F

1. player

2. cyclist

3. director

4. footballer

5. artist

6. painter

Test 7

Variant I

Task A

1. d

2. e

3. b

4. f

5. c

6. a

Task B

1. alive

2. bored

3. naughty

4. ruined

5. rush

6. puzzled

7. mines

8. tired

Task C

1. was

2. were

3. wasn’t

4. Were

5. were

6. was

7. were

8. was

Task D

1. Kieran came home at night yesterday.

2. She lived with her mother and one brother in the city many years ago.

3. We were at home last night.

4. I met Sue at the pub last week.

5. We didn’t go to school in 2012.

6. I heard a new song on the radio 5 minutes ago.

7. Susan had a baby in August.

8. I gave my mother a smartphone for her birthday last year.

9. She didn’t drink too much coffee yesterday.

10. We often visited our parents on Saturday.

Variant II

Task A

1. d

2. a

3. f

4. b

5. c

6. e

Task B

1. naughty

2. ruined

3. rush

4. bored

5. puzzled

6. alive

7. tired

8. mines

Task C

1. was

2. were

3. wasn’t

4. Were

5. were

6. was

7. were

8. was

Task D

1. Kieran came home at night yesterday.

2. She lived with her mother and one brother in the city many years ago.

3. We were at home last night.

4. I met Sue at the pub last week.

5. We didn’t go to school in 2012.

6. I heard a new song on the radio 5 minutes ago.

7. Susan had a baby in August.

8. I gave my mother a smartphone for her birthday last year.

9. She didn’t drink too much coffee yesterday.

10. We often visited our parents on Saturday.

Test 8

Variant I

Task A

1. cottage

2. gallery

3. store

4. hotel

5. zoo

6. palace

7. tent

8. restaurant

9. sports

10. library

Task B

1. f

2. c

3. e

4. a

5. d

6. g

7. b

Task C

1. see fish

2. buy bread

3. exercise

4. see a play

5. find a book

6. have a picnic

Task D

1. must

2. must

3. must

4. mustn’t

5. can’t

Task E

1. shorter

2. best

3. stronger

4. more comfortable

5. oldest

6. more expensive

7. most dangerous

Variant II

Task B

1. tent

2. store

3. library

4. hotel

5. zoo

6. cottage

7. palace

8. restaurant

9. gallery

10. sports

Task B

1. g

2. a

3. e

4. c

5. d

6. f

7. b

Task C

1. exercise

2. see a play

3. see fish

4. find a book

5. have a picnic

6. buy bread

Task D

1. must

2. can’t

3. must

4. mustn’t

5. must

Task E

1. stronger

2. shorter

3. more comfortable

4. oldest

5. more expensive

6. most dangerous

7. best

Test 9

Variant I

Task A

1. carrots

2. ice cream

3. cheese

4. juice

5. rice

6. onion

Task B

1. d

2. i

3. b

4. h

5. e

6. g

7. j

8. a

9. c

10. f

Task C

1. How much

2. How much

3. How many

4. How much

5. How many

6. How much

7. How many

8. How much

Task D

1. any

2. many

3. a little

4. any

5. a little

6. a lot of

7. a few

8. some

Task E

1. boil

2. stir

3. bake

4. Mix

5. peel

Task F

1. cooks

2. eats

3. is frying

4. are you going

5. don’t like

Variant I

Task A

1. carrots

2. ice cream

3. cheese

4. juice

5. rice

6. onion

Task B

1. c

2. f

3. j

4. h

5. e

6. g

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. i

Task C

1. How much

2. How many

3. How much

4. How much

5. How many

6. How much

7. How much

8. How many

Task D

1. a few

2. any

3. a little

4. a little

5. a lot of

6. any

7. some

8. many

Task E

1. stir

2. boil

3. Mix

4. peel

5. bake

Task F

1. cooks

2. eats

3. is frying

4. are you going

5. don’t like

Test 10

Variant I

Task A

1. C

2. B

3. H

4. A

5. F

6. D

7. G

8. E

Task B

1. It’s rainy.

2. It’s sunny.

3. It’s stormy.

4. It’s windy.

5. It’s hot.

6. It’s snowy.

Task C

1. stay

2. have

3. attend

4. taste

5. post

6. buy

7. fly

8. spend

9. visit

10. go

Task D

1. because

2. so

3. so

4. because

5. because

6. so

Task E

1. is going

2. are having / are going to have

3. will rain

4. are going to organize

5. will open

6. is going

7. are meeting

8. am going to visit

Variant II

Task A

1. B

2. A

3. F

4. D

5. C

6. G

7. E

8. H

Task B

1. It’s rainy.

2. It’s sunny.

3. It’s stormy.

4. It’s windy.

5. It’s hot.

6. It’s snowy.

Task C

1. attend

2. post

3. buy

4. taste

5. stay

6. fly

7. visit

8. go

9. have

10. spend

Task D

1. because

2. so

3. so

4. because

5. because

6. so

Task E

1. is going

2. are having / are going to have

3. will rain

4. are going to organize

5. will open

6. is going

7. are meeting

8. am going to visit

Exit test

Task A

1. D

2. A

3. E

4. B

5. C

Task B

1. E

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. F

Task C

1. c

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. c

Task D

1. c

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. b


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