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Health. Healthy eating

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Урок разработан по ФГОС СПО для I курса. Урок посвящен теме "Здоровье. Здоровое питание".  К уроку прилагается аудиофайл для развития навыка аудирования. Разработан рабочий лист.

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«Рабочий лист»

1. Put these collocations into two columns: Bad habits and good habits.

• wash your hands before eating

• smoke

• watch TV too long

• drink fizzy drinks

• go in for sports

• clean your teeth twice a day

• sleep enough (not less than eight hours a day)

• take a cold shower

• eat too many sweets

• spend much time indoors

• spend much time on the computer

• snack meals

• eat fast- food

• air the room

• skip meals

• eat a variety of food

• eat fruit and vegetables

• drink mineral water

• limit a TV and computer time

• eat fruit and vegetables daily

• eat homemade food

• drink alcohol

• take vitamins

• have junk food (unhealthy food)

• get up early and go to bed early

• go in for sport

Bad habits

Good habits

Healthy lifestyle

Modern life is very chaotic and stressful. That’s why we should keep to a healthy lifestyle in order not to get depressed and not to feel bad. A healthy lifestyle consists of active mode of life, healthy diet, avoiding stress and absence of bad habits. If you are active, you feel better. You may go to a gym or a swimming pool, do some other sport or simply walk more. Sport is a good way to reduce stress and improve your state of health. It is also possible to exercise or walk with someone. If you train with friends, you will enjoy yourself even more. A diet is also very important. You should eat regularly and choose fresh and healthy food. It is essential to eat enough fruit, vegetables, and meat. Don’t eat too much sugar or consume sweet fizzy drinks. Sugar affects your heart and can’t fill you for a long time. Finally, you should try to avoid stress or at least take it easy and don’t be too nervous. Nervousness has a negative impact on our health and causes many diseases. So do the bad habits. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can be very harmful. Thus, it is not so difficult to lead a healthy life. It may become your good habit. As soon as you improve your quality of life, regulate your diet and physical exercises, you will see good results and feel yourself much better. You won’t have an idea of returning to your previous lifestyle anymore.

What is a healthy life style? (11.2)

1. Ознакомьтесь с переводом некоторых слов и выражений.

To wear down – изнашивать

Physical health – физическое здоровье

Mental health – психическое здоровье

Daily routine – ежедневная рутина

Extremely – невероятно

To be redesigned – быть пересмотренным

Balance – баланс

To pay attention to smth –обращать внимание на что-либо

To cause – вызывать что-либо

Inability – неспособность

To cope with smth – справляться с чем-либо

To be at a healthy weight – быть в здоровом весе

Junk food – вредная еда

Extra glass of water – дополнительный стакан воды

Drastic changes – глобальные изменения

Leisure time – свободное время

Chores – повседневные дела

Relaxation – отдых, восстановление сил

Adequate – адекватный

A requirement – требование

Pasta sauce – соус к блюду из макаронных изделий

2. Послушайте track один раз и запишите ее имя. Name: _____________________

3. Внимательно ознакомьтесь с советами по здоровому образу жизни, данными ниже. Прослушайте запись еще раз и пронумеруйте советы в том порядке, в котором они прозвучали.

_____A get adequate relaxation and sleep

_____B be at a healthy weight

_____C get enough exercise and be more active

_____D eat healthy, no junk food or takeout food

_____E don’t smoke

_____F no television or computer

4. Внимательно прочитайте данные ниже предложения с пропусками и слова из списка. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами.

1. Eat your salad with _____________not_______________.

2. There are four elements that you have to bring into your life - _________, ________, __________, __________.

3. If you daily routine is extremely hard then your life style needs to be ________.

4. Be more active rather than join a _________.

5. More ___________ to one area while no attention to another __________ stress and poor health.

6. There are basic ____________ for sleep for specific age groups.

7. Add _______ to your cereal, your salads or even your dinner.

a requirements e oil i sleep

b diet f exercise j causes

c attention g relaxation k mayonnaise

d sport team h redesigned l fruit


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