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Игра «Счастливый случай» на английском языке

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Методическая разработка игры  «Счастливый случай» на английском языке

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«Игра «Счастливый случай» на английском языке»




Методическая разработка игры «Счастливый случай» на английском языке

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преподаватель английского

языка Масюченко С.В.

Одобрено на заседании комиссии

общих гуманитарных

и социально-экономических дисциплин

Председатель комиссии Томаева С.К.

Владикавказ 2015 г.

Цели и задачи: - повторение темы «Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной


- тренировка перевода английских пословиц;

- умение пользоваться дополнительной литературой;

- расширение общеобразовательного кругозора учащихся;

- активизация мыслительной деятельности;

- привитие интереса к предмету.

Оборудование: названия команд, задания к геймам, секундомер, бейджики с именами

участников команд и жюри.

Ход мероприятия

  1. Вступительное слово учителя (представление участников команд, жюри, гостей; объяснение условий игры).

  1. Игра.

а) гейм «Дальше, дальше …»

б) гейм «Заморочки из бочки»

в) гейм «Ты мне, я тебе»

3. Подведение итогов и награждение участников игры.

  1. Вступительное слово учителя.

  • Good afternoon, students, referees and our guests! Today we are going to play “A Lucky Chance Game”. Three teams will take part in it and there will be three games. Let me introduce the participants of the game: the first team is ..., the second one is ... . Our referees are ... . Our guests are ... .(преподаватель представляет команды, жюри и гостей)

2. Игра.

Now let’s play.

  • Game 1 is called “Go on!” The task is to answer the questions at high speed. If you don’t know or don’t remember the answer, you should say “Go on!” as your time is limited (3 min.). Team captains, come here to determine the order your team will be asking. Referees will count the number of right answers. Every right answer gives one point to your team. (Учитель задает вопросы командам по очереди согласно жеребьевке.


What is the capital of the UK? (London)

Where is Trafalgar Square? (in London)

Who was Nelson? (a British admiral)

Where does the Queen live? (in Buckingham Palace)

What’ the capital of Nothern Ireland? (Belfast)

People who live in Scotland are called ... . (the Scots)

What are the main colours of the British flag? (red, blue, white)

When is Halloween selebrated? (October,31)

What food is traditional in Christmas? (roast turkey)

Name the river London is situated on. (the Thames)

What is St. Paul’s Cathedrale? (a church)

Name any English holiday. (Christmas, Halloween)

Who is Agatha Christie? (a detective story writer)

Name any members of the Queen’s family. (her husband Prince Philip, her sons Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, her daughters Princess Anne Princess Margaret)

What sea is the UK washed by? (the North sea)

What is population of the UK? (more than 56 million people)

Who does the real power in Great Britain belong to? (the Parliament)

Where did the great fire of London begin: in the house of the King’s butcher or the King’s baker? (in the house of King’s baker)

What animal is the symbol of the English might or strength? ( the Lion)

Name the member of the English royal family who lived more then 100 years. (the Queen’s mother)

Name any national English game. (football, rugby,cricket)

What was the Tower of London in the past? (a fortress, a palace, a prison, the King’s Zoo)

What plant is the symbol of London? (the shamrock)

Where did William the Conqueror come from? (Normandy, France)

Where is the political centre of London? (Westminster)

How many sons does Prince Charles have? (2 sons: William and Harry)

What is the name of the Queen? (Elithabeth II)

What separates the UK from the continent of Europe? (the English Chanel/the Straight of Dover)

Name any sports developed in Britain? (golf, cricket, rugby)

What bird do English people care of? (the raven)

What is cricket? (a national game)

What are the biggest industrialcities of the UK? (Manchester, Birmingam, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcasle)

What is William Shakespeare Famous for? (a playwhright, a poet)

Who is the official Head of State in Britain? (the Queen)

What is the name of the biggest clock in London?(Big Ben)

What place in London is usually visited by tourists? (Trafalgar Square)

When do English children go from house to house and say:”Trick or treat”?

What is the most popular English holiday? (Christmas)


Where do English people keep the Queen’s crown: in the Tower of London or in Westminster Abbey? (in the Tower)

How many years did it take Sir Christofer Wren to build St. Paul’s Cathedral: 35 or 25 years? (35 years)

Name any place you’d like to visit in London. (the Tower of London)

What is the Tower of London now? (a museum)

What parts does the UK consist of? (England, Wales, Scotland, Nothern Ireland)

What is Buckingham Palace? (the Queen’ residence)

Give the Russian equvalent of the English proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. (Дом англичанина – его крепость.)

When did William the Conqueror come to London? (1066)

What is Robert Burns famous for? (Scotish national poet)

Where does the British Prime Minister live: at 10, Downing Street or at12, Whitehall? (at 10, Downing Street)

Name any famous English person. (Shakespear, Winston Churchill)

Where is the business centre in London? (the City)

People who live in Ireland are called ... . (the Irish)

What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

How many crosses does the British flag consist of? (3 crosses)

What is the traditional children’s food on Easter Sunday? (Chocolate eggs and rabbits)

When is April Fool’s Day selebrated? (April,1)

What is the most democratic park in London? (Hyde Park)

The Houses of Parliament consist of two Houses. What are they? (the House of Lords and the House of Commons)

What ocean is the UK washed by? (the Atlantic ocean)


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