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         Методическая разработка по теме «       Лексико-грамматические задания к книге домашнего чтения на английском языке в 5-6 классах средних школ и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка»

Рассмотрено на ПМО учителей английского языка Протокол №1  21.08.2015 г. Руководитель ПМО

Малыгина Г.А.

Утверждено на методическом совете Протокол №1   26.08.2015 г. Заместитель директора по УВР Алимбаева М.А.


Предлагаемая методическая разработка содержит  комплекс практических лексико-грамматических заданий  к книге для домашнего чтения по английскому языку « Винни-Пух»

          Она поможет учителю  в расширении и  углублении грамматических знаний учащихся, в развитии  техники чтения и смыслового анализа прочитанного, будет способствовать созданию атмосфер активного творческого труда, усилит учебную мотивацию и познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.


          Данная разработка может быть полезна  учащимся 5-6-ых классов для самостоятельного чтения и дополнительного образования по предмету,

а также учителям английского языка.


1. Пояснительная записка


2. Цели и задачи  методической разработки 


3.Структура методической разработки


4. Содержание


5. Литература



                                                             Chapter 1-2.

I. Useful words.

Climb,  cloud  song, helpful,  friendly, rather  silly, honey-loving, silly, muddy, bush, float, aim, trunk, root, silence,  full, pull, everybody,  oak-tree, top.

II. Answer the questions.

1) What   did  Winnie-the-Pooh  like  to  do?

2) What  noise  came from the top of the tree?

3) What  did Winnie-the-Pooh  want  the  balloon а or?

4) Why did Winnie-the-Pooh ask Christopher Robin to bring his umbrella?

5) What did Pooh like to have at eleven o’clock in the morning?

6) What happened to Winnie-the-Pooh when he tried to climb out of the hole?

7) What book did Christopher Robin read to Winnie-the-Pooh?

8) Who helped Christopher Robin to pull Winnie-the-Pooh out of the hole?

III. Say true, false or correct the false sentences.

1) Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin were not friends.

2) Winnie-the-Pooh liked stories about himself.

3) Winnie-the-Pooh didn’t like honey at all.

4) Christopher Robin had a balloon at home.

5) There were a lot of bees flying around the tree.

6) Christopher Robin helped to pull Winnie-the-Pooh out of the hole.

7) Christopher Robin had to fire at the balloon for the second time.

8) Winnie-the-Pooh was rather silly but fun.

IV. Complete the sentences. The words can help you.

(make, muddy, reach, foot, climb, floated, aimed, wonder, called out, loud, hole, noise, first, silence, humming)

1) I know that the bees _________________________ honey.

2) So he began to _________________________ the tree.

3) Christopher Robin ______________________ very carefully at the balloon, and tired.

4) Then he began to _______________________ what everybody else was doing.

5) Suddenly he came to a sandy bank and in the bank was a large __________________  .

6) So he put his head into the hole and ________________ : “Is anybody at home?”

V. Match the words in two columns.





















VI.  Say who:

  1. Didn’t like stories about himself
  2. Wanted to sit near the oak-tree
  3. Didn’t like the honey at all
  4. Decided to get some honey
  5. Didn’t have balloon at home
  6. Flying around the tree
  7. Wanted to decide the bees  trying to look like a cloud

 VII. Who said it.

  1. “I know that bees make honey”.
  2. “I shall try to look like a small black cloud. That will deceive them”.
  3. “Have you an umbrella in your house?”
  4. “Shall I put my umbrella up?”
  5. “How sweet to be a Cloud

 Floating un the Blue!

 Every little cloud

 Always sings aloud.”

 VIII. Put the verbs in the correct tense form.

  1. Sometimes Winnie-the-Pooh (like) to pay a game when he (come) downstairs and sometimes he (like) to sit quietly in front of the fire.
  2. One day he (come) to an open place in the middle of the forest, and in the middle of this place was a large oak-tree.
  3. Winnie-the Pooh (go) to his friend Christopher Robin, who (live) behind  a green door in another part of the forest.
  4. Christopher  Robin (be) at a party yesterday at the house of his friend Piglet, and he had balloons at the party.
  5. He (can) see the honey, he (can) smell the honey, but he (can’t) reach the honey.
  6. “Christopher Robin, you (must) shoot the balloon with your gun. Have you (get) your gun?”
  7. There (be) a sudden noise from inside the hole, and then silence.
  8. Winnie-the Pooh (take) his head out of the hole, and (think) for a little, and he (think) to himself.
  9. Pooh always (like) a little something at the eleven o’clock in the morning.
  10. He (be) glad to see that Robin (be) getting out the plates and mugs.

IX. Prove that:

  1. Winnie-the Pooh began to Climb the tree.
  2. Pooh chose the blue balloon.
  3. Winnie-the Pooh went to visit his friend Christopher Robin.
  4. Winnie-the Pooh was rather silly but funny.
  5. Why did they call him Pooh.

X. Put the sentences in the right order.

1.  For a week Robin read a book to Winner-the Pooh.

2.  Christopher Robin said that they had to wait until Pooh got thin again.

3.  Rabbit decided to fetch Christopher Robin.

4.  He took hold of  Pooh’s  front paws and they all pulled together.

5.  Then he started to climb out of the hole but got stuck.

6.  Christopher Robin was reading the book to Winner-the Pooh.

XI. Give the second and the third forms of the verbs.

  1. Give the second and the third forms of the verbs.

To hear –

To read –

To be –

To know –

To speak –

To sing –

To take –

To give –

To come –






Chapter 3-4.

I. Useful words.

Middle, sweep, circle, hunting, teaching something, catch, squeak, excitement, paw-marks, suddenly, wizzle, brain, company, safe, anxious, hostile animals.

II. Answer the questions.

1) What was Piglet doing one fine winter’s day?

2) Did Pooh know whom he was tracking?

3) What kind of animals did they think Woozles to be?

4) Was Piglet afraid of the hostile animals?

5) What did Winnie-the-Pooh say to Eeyore?

6) Where did Owl’s residence?

7) Was Eeyore happy? And what bout Winnie-the-Pooh?

III. Put the sentences in the right order.

1) They saw Christopher Robin who was sitting in a tree.

2) One fine winter’s day Piglet was sweeping away the snow in front of his house.

3) Piglet watched him for a minute or two, and then ran after him.

4) He looked up, and there was Winnie-the-Pooh.

5) Pooh said that he wanted to catch somebody, maybe a Woozles.

6) After a talk with Christopher Robin Pooh understood that he had been foolish and made a silly mistake.

IV. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the sentences.

(circle, company, safe, joined, helpful, gloomy, tail)

1) Pooh decided to do something _______________________.

2) “What’s happened to your ____________?” asked Winnie-the-Pooh.

3) “Christopher Robin nailed the tail on its right _________________ again”.

4) There seem to be two animals now, and the two of them are now walking in ________.

5) Pooh was walking round and round in a ___________________.

6) “A third animal has __________________ the other two”

7) Piglet scratched his ________________ and agreed.

V. Give the second and the third forms of the verbs below:

to make —

to do —

to begin —

to know —

to put—

to take —

to give —

to hear —

to come —

to be —

VI. Match the words in two columns to make word combinations.

summer’s                      honey

morning                        carefully

happy                            three

big                                 balloon

climb                             songs

think                              exercises

bees                               day

VII. Say which of the words in the Odd One Out.

  • rain, day, snow, wind, cold
  • green, blue, black, little
  • branch, tree, leaf, trunk, roof
  • bush, cloud, star, sun, moon

VIII. When can be opposite. Match the words in two columns.

muddy                          smart

down                            stop

silly                              clean

begin                            foot

wrong                           never

top                                up

always                          right

IX. Re-write the sentences and put them in right order.

  1. Will, safe, quite, with, you, be, him.
  2. A, I, made, have, mistake, silly.
  3. A, it, funny, very, is, thing.
  4. Ran, after, piglet, him.
  5. Was, Pooh, round, a walking, in, circle.



Chapter 5-6.

I. Useful words.

Jar, headache, pit, bottom, acorns, ashamed, reach, excite, cupboard, useful, returns, pot, silence, stream.

II. Put the words in the right order.

1) Going, is, it, rain, to.

2) Could, Pooh, sleep, not.

3) Came, the, to, they, stream.

4) Must, I, him, something, give.

5) Is, it, pot, a, nice.

6) Eeyore, balloon, the, placed, the, in, pot.

III. How do you know the rules of reading?

[t];     [d];    [id]

talked, looked, walked, rubbed, seemed, helped, supposed, smelled, climbed, decided, suspected, waited, added, stumped.

IV. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the sentences.

(jar, joke, headache, bottom, useful, reach, turned, cupboard)

1) Piglet was jumping up and down trying to _____________________ the knocker.

2) First of all Pooh came to the ___________________ to see if he had a jar of honey.

3) When Eeyore saw the pot, he became quite _______________________.

4) Pooh took down a very large _______________________ of honey from the shelf.

5) Somebody could put cheese in at the bottom of the jar just for a __________________.

6) Piglet wanted to pretend that he had a ______________________.

7) Piglet put the jar at the ___________________ of the pit.

V. Read and draw.

1) Draw a picture of  Eeyore.

2) Draw a picture of  Piglet running with the balloon.

3) Draw a picture of  Winnie-the-Pooh.

4) Draw a picture of  the very deep pit with a jar of honey in it.

VI. Re-write the sentences and put them in the right older

  1. Forest, the, jumped, Eeyore, about.
  2. Get, where, did, it, you.
  3. Looked, Pooh, the, at, knocler.
  4. Made, a, you, mistake.
  5. Has, your, what, happened, tail, to?

VII. Write the forms of the verbs

          To stand –

          To shake –

          To have –

          To write –

          To find –

          To mean –

          To go –

          To feel –

 VIII. Say who

  1. Went home for honey.
  2. Wanted to pretend.
  3. Couldn’t  sleep and tried counting sheep and Helf always.
  4. Dug the very deep pit.
  5. Didn’t want to final and gather acorns.

 IX. Put the sentences in the write order.

  1. He went to the pit and began to cat honey.
  2. They decided to dig a very deep pit and pat a jar of  honey there.
  3. But at first they had no plan.
  4. Piglet began to dig the pit and Pooh went home for honey.
  5. At the same time Piglet came to pit and because very afraid  because  he  thought that there was a Heffalump there.
  6. Then they went home to sleep.

 X.  Say why:

     1. Pooh couldn’t sleep.

     2. Pooh wanted to pretend that he had a headache.

     3. Piglet ran to Christopher Robin.

     4. Christopher Robin laughed  and  laughed.

     5. They decided to put a jar of honey into the trap.

     6. Pooh thought at first.



Chapter 7-8.

I. Useful words.

Capture, promise, imitate, harm, adventure, truth, verse, pleased, handkerchief, discover, peacefully, dangerous.

II. Who said it?

1) “I like poetry, I made up a little poem as I was coming along”.

2) “I am not Roo!”.

3) “Without Pooh the adventure will be impossible”.

4) “Look at me swimming!”.

5) “Hallo, Pooh Bear. I can’t get this boot on”.

III. Say who:

1) Jumped into Kanga’s pocket.

2) Washed Piglet.

3) Hung his tail over the pool.

4) Discovered the North Pole.

5) Had no provisions about himself.

IV. Answer the questions.

1) Did anybody know where Kanga’s and Baby Roo had come from.

2) What were Kanga and Baby Roo doing this afternoon?

3) What did Rabbit Piglet and Pooh speak about with Kanga?

4) Did Piglet like the bath? What did Kanga do with Piglet?

5) Did Kanga and Baby Roo stay in the forest?

6) Did Pooh know what the word “expedition” meant?

7) What does an expedition mean in Christopher Robin’s opinion?

8) Did they know anything about the North Pole?

9) What made Christopher Robin proud and happy that day?

V. Fill in the missing prepositions.

(to, with, up, into, at, of, for, against, on)

1) One day Pooh went _______________ to the forest to see his friend Christopher Robin.

2) ___________________ breakfast that morning he thought______________ a new song.

3) Christopher Robin was putting ___________________________ his big boots.

4) They came ___________________________ a dangerous place.

5) The stream ran _________________________ high rocky banks.

6) They sat _______________    _______________ the grass and nested.

VI. How well do know she rules of reading?

[ai] – side, behind, right, quite, nice, try

[u:] – gloomy, balloon, too, pool, whose, two

[эо] – glad, candle, that, sad, plan, back

VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

  1. Suddenly Pooh (have) a sort of funny feeling.
  2. Pooh (feel) quite sorry for Eeyore.
  3. Pooh (hurry) home as quick as he (can).
  4. Suddenly Riglet (put) his foot in a rabbit hole, and (feel) down on his face.
  5. I (bring) you a little present.
  6. So he (sit down) and (take) the top off his jar of honey.
  7. Eeyore (stand) by the side of river and (look) at himself in the water.

 VIII. Speak about (you are Eeyore)

  1. Your birthday presents.
  2. The end of the day.
  3. The beginning of the day.
  4. Your friends Pooh and Piglet.
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