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Методическая разработка самостоятельных работ по английскому языку для 3 класса

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«Методическая разработка самостоятельных работ по английскому языку для 3 класса»

Test. "There is/are. There was/were"

№ 1. Составь верные предложения.

1) are, there, on the table, many tasty sweets ?

2) a lot of milk, is, there, in my tea.

3) no, cats and dogs, there, at school.

4) there, a boy, in the tree, is?

5) weren't, last year, there, many wolves, in the forest.

№ 2. Вставьте is, was, are, were.

1) There ___ chocolate at home. Can I have it?

2) There ___ three hungry puppies in the house. Give them milk, please!

3) There ____ a big cake on the table yesterday.

4) What _____ there in your bag yesterday?

5) ____ there any baby crocodiles in the Zoo last year?

№ 3. Напиши числительные верно

пять - пятый



двадцать - двадцатый

восемьдесят- восьмидесятый

№ 4. Напишите отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

1) There are three sweets in the box.

2) There was a lot of juice at home.

3) There were presents under the table.

4) There is a puppy in the box.

№ 5. Дополни предложения вставив слова по смыслу.

tails, eyes, clever, right, teaches, pet, take, left

1) I've got a __________. It's a cat.

2) Do you _______ your pet for a walk?

3) Nick ________ his pet to answer to his name.

4) Hares have got very short _______.

5) I nave got two hands: a _______ hand and a ______ hand.

6) People can see with their ____.

7) My granny's dog is very _______.

Test. "There is/are. There was/were"

№ 1. Составь верные предложения.

1) are, there, on the table, many tasty sweets ?

2) a lot of milk, is, there, in my tea.

3) no, cats and dogs, there, at school.

4) there, a boy, in the tree, is?

5) weren't, last year, there, many wolves, in the forest.

№ 2. Вставьте is, was, are, were.

1) There ___ chocolate at home. Can I have it?

2) There ___ three hungry puppies in the house. Give them milk, please!

3) There ____ a big cake on the table yesterday.

4) What _____ there in your bag yesterday?

5) ____ there any baby crocodiles in the Zoo last year?

№ 3. Напиши числительные верно

пять - пятый



двадцать - двадцатый

восемьдесят- восьмидесятый

№ 4. Напишите отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

1) There are three sweets in the box.

2) There was a lot of juice at home.

3) There were presents under the table.

4) There is a puppy in the box.

№ 5. Дополни предложения вставив слова по смыслу.

tails, eyes, clever, right, teaches, pet, take, left

1) I've got a __________. It's a cat.

2) Do you _______ your pet for a walk?

3) Nick ________ his pet to answer to his name.

4) Hares have got very short _______.

5) I nave got two hands: a _______ hand and a ______ hand.

6) People can see with their ____.

7) My granny's dog is very _______.

Reading Comprehension

Kanga and Baby Roo

pouch - сумка (у кенгуру)

Once Kanga and Baby Roo came to live in the forest. "We don't want them!" said Pooh and Piglet.

"I have a plan," said Rabbit. "We take Baby Roo away from Kanga. When Kanga is afraid, she always goes away."

"Great!" said Pooh and Piglet.

It was a nice afternoon. Baby Roo was playing and Kanga watched him.

"Hello, " said the three friends to Kanga. But she didn't look at them, she watched Roo.

"Well,"said Pooh. "I know a little poem. You must listen."

But Kanga didn't listen. She watched Roo.

"What a strange tree,"said Pooh.

Kanga watched Roo.

"You must look at that tree," said Pooh.

"I can see a bird in it," said Piglet "Or is it a fish?"

Then Kanga looked at the tree. And at that moment Piglet jumped into Kanga's pouch, and Rabbit took Roo and ran away.

Выбери правильный вариaнт ответа

1. a. Kanga had a son b. Baby Roo was Pooh's brother c. Pooh and his friends liked Kanga very much.

c. kanga didn't listen to Pooh's poem.

2. a. Pooh had a plan to take Baby Roo away from Kanga. b. Kanga was afraid of Rabbit. c. Pooh and his friends liked Rabbit's plan.

5. a. Piglet saw a fish in the tree. b. There was no fish and no bird in the tree. c. Kanga didn't look at the tree, she watched her son.

3. a. Baby Roo played with Pooh. b. Kanga always watched her son. c. Baby Roo didn't play.

6. a. Piglet new the poem. b. Pooh always watched his son. c. The tree wasn't strange (странный)

4. a. Kanga liked poems very much.

b. When Pooh began a poem, Kanga stopped watching her son.

7. a. Pooh jumped into Rabbit's pouch. b. Piglet jumped into Kanga's pouch. c. Baby Roo jumped away from his mother.

Reading Comprehension

Kanga and Baby Roo

pouch - сумка (у кенгуру)

Once Kanga and Baby Roo came to live in the forest. "We don't want them!" said Pooh and Piglet.

"I have a plan," said Rabbit. "We take Baby Roo away from Kanga. When Kanga is afraid, she always goes away."

"Great!" said Pooh and Piglet.

It was a nice afternoon. Baby Roo was playing and Kanga watched him.

"Hello, " said the three friends to Kanga. But she didn't look at them, she watched Roo.

"Well,"said Pooh. "I know a little poem. You must listen."

But Kanga didn't listen. She watched Roo.

"What a strange tree,"said Pooh.

Kanga watched Roo.

"You must look at that tree," said Pooh.

"I can see a bird in it," said Piglet "Or is it a fish?"

Then Kanga looked at the tree. And at that moment Piglet jumped into Kanga's pouch, and Rabbit took Roo and ran away.

Выбери правильный вариaнт ответа

1. a. Kanga had a son b. Baby Roo was Pooh's brother c. Pooh and his friends liked Kanga very much.

c. kanga didn't listen to Pooh's poem.

2. a. Pooh had a plan to take Baby Roo away from Kanga. b. Kanga was afraid of Rabbit. c. Pooh and his friends liked Rabbit's plan.

5. a. Piglet saw a fish in the tree. b. There was no fish and no bird in the tree. c. Kanga didn't look at the tree, she watched her son.

3. a. Baby Roo played with Pooh. b. Kanga always watched her son. c. Baby Roo didn't play.

6. a. Piglet new the poem. b. Pooh always watched his son. c. The tree wasn't strange (странный)

4. a. Kanga liked poems very much.

b. When Pooh began a poem, Kanga stopped watching her son.

7. a. Pooh jumped into Rabbit's pouch. b. Piglet jumped into Kanga's pouch. c. Baby Roo jumped away from his mother.


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