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Открытый урок 4 класс

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Разработка урока поможет провести обобщение по теме "Увлечения" в 4 классе.

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«Открытый урок 4 класс»

План-конспект урока

Предмет –английский язык

Учитель:__Юрцева О.H.

Класс: 4 «A»

Дата: 26.03

Тема урока: «Увлечения»

Тип урока – урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Главные цели: Обобщение материала по теме «Увлечения».

Совершенствование навыков монологической речи и грамматики.

Развитие навыков аудирования.

Ключевой вопрос: Как мои увлечения помогают находить новых друзей?

Цели учащихся - научиться в высказываниях по теме «Увлечения», использовать активную лексику и грамматические конструкции.

Материалы/Ресурсы/Использование технологии: карточки с разноуровневыми заданиями, магнитофон, аудиозапись, карточки с тестовыми заданиями по аудированию.

Умения по подходам к учению: уметь строить монологическое высказывание по теме, используя полученный лексический и грамматический материал, понимать иноязычную речь и отвечать на вопросы по услышанному.

Краткий план урока Приветствие.
Проверка организации рабочего места. – рапорт ассистента.

Объявление цели урока - Today we shall listen to the stories. What are your stories about? A lot of people collect different things – coins, stamps, badges, books, dry leaves etc; playing different games, swimming, dancing, gardening, traveling, watching TV or video, going to the theatres, cinemas, museums.

Name the topic of today lesson – HOBBIES

Дети определили тему урока. Объявляется ключевой вопрос – напечатан на листе, крепится магнитом.

Объясняются критерии оценивания работы – красный, желтый и зеленый.

Today at our lesson – 1) we shall have a talk about your hobbies

2) Will do some grammar tests (exercises)

3) Will listen to the text about different hobbies

на доске выписывается план урока -


Check H.W.

Talking about hobbies

Doing grammar exercises


Listening the text


It’s time to check up your home task now.

Now tell us about your hobbies. I hope you will be able to prove that your hobby is one of the

most interesting, important and, perhaps, popular. (ответы учеников о своих увлечениях –

2-3 ученика).

Let’s play – I say some words and you say hobby назвать увлечение –

доллар, фунт, марка - ? книги, журналы - ? мяч, лыжи, коньки - ? кассета, диск - ?

What time is it?

It’s time to do some exercises. Учащиеся получают карточки с заданиями - попарно.

Работа с чек-листами.

Взаимопроверка друг друга.

Физ.минутка. Look at the clock. What time is it? (Ответ ученика).

It’s time to have a short rest. Let’s do some exercises. Ассистент.

Аудирование. Now we’ll listen to the text, discuss it and do the test.

But at first look at the cards and try to read the new and difficult words from the text.

Translate the words.

The next task is to read the words in English.

Now we’ll listen to the text. You will find the answers for two questions: What is Mr.Davis? What do we know about his hobbies?

He had many hobbies: collecting different things, sport, working on computers, dancing, acting, painting pictures. One day he began to write stories about birds and animals. His daughter liked his new hobby.

Now listen to the text again and get ready for the test. Test – Put the numbers from 1 to 9.

Write “true” or “False”, make the right sentences.

После выполнения теста выполняется самопроверка.

Итоги урока и оценивание работы учащихся.

Объяснение домашнего задания и распределение по сложности.

Домашнее чтение – RB. L 11, p.38-41

Good reading

Make the plan of the text (Dzagnidze, Romanov)

Make 5-6 wrong sentences ( Aksyenova, Gavrilov)

Choose the correct item.

1. Have you got ……. friends? A) many B) much C) a lot of

2. There are ….. people in the room. A) much B) a little C) a lot of

3. Can I have .... sugar, please? A) a few B) a little C) little

4. How …. oranges are on the table? A) many B) a few C) much

5. How …. money has Fred got? A) many B) little C) much

6. There are …. monkeys at the Zoo. A) much B) a few C) a little

7. There are …. chairs in the room. A) a little B) much C) a few

8. We are late. We have very… time! A) little B) few C) many

Key: 1a; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7c; 8a.

Вставьте less или fewer

1. You must eat …….honey.

2. I want to eat ……. biscuits.

3. In winter fruit is expensive. We have to eat ……… fruit.

4. Try to eat ……… eggs.

5. I am on a diet, I must have…….. butter.

6. We have ……. parties than we had last year.

7. Now we have …….. problems than we had last year.

8. We have ….. free time than we had two years ago.

9. There were …….. factories in this city twenty years ago.

10. We bought ……… food yesterday.

Key: 1.less; 2.fewer; 3.less; 4.fewer; 5.less;

6.fewer; 7.fewer; 8.less; 9.fewer; 10.less.

Choose the correct item.

1. Have you got ….. money? A) few B) many C) much

2. Can I have …. milk, please? A) many B) a little C) a few

3. How …. people are in the room? A) many B) much C) a little

4. There are …. biscuits in the tin. A) much B) a few C) a little

5. There are …. books on the shelf. A) little B) much C) a lot of

6. There is very …. honey in the jar. A) little B) few C) many

Key: 1.c; 2.b; 3.a; 4.b; 5c; 6.a.

TV Interview

Mr. Frank Davis

afternoon programme

to remember those times

to realize = to understand

to spend time outdoors

to paint

to try to get

free time

a school champion

Write “true” or “false”

1. Mr. Davis was a great collector of different things.

2. He didn’t try to have thematic collections.

3. At the age of thirty he became fond of sport.

4. In the fifth form he became a theatre-goer and spent his free time in the theatre.

5. When he was finishing school, his parents bought him a computer.

6. He tried dancing and acting but he wasn’t very good.

7. One day Mr. Davis had an idea to write a story about his dog.

8. His daughter was not fond of his new hobby.

9. He has already written five books for children.

Key: true – 1,4,5,6,7,9; false – 2,3,8.

Finish the sentences.

1. Mr. Frank Davis is …….. (a famous children’s writer)

2. When he was a little boy ……..(he had so many hobbies)

3. He was a great collector of ………(different things: stamps, coins, badges,

small books, pictures and what not)

4. At the age of twelve he became…… (fond of sport and played different sport

games in the yard)

5. Then he became……….( a theatre-goer and spent free time in the theatre)

6. When he was finishing school ……….(his parents bought him a computer)

7. Later he tried dancing and acting but…….(he wasn’t very good)

8. Now he is …….(a writer)

9. His little daughter liked………… (to listen to his stories)

Choose the correct item.

1. Have you got ……. friends? A) many B) much C) a lot of

2. There are ….. people in the room. A) much B) a little C) a lot of

3. Can I have .... sugar, please? A) a few B) a little C) little

4. How …. oranges are on the table? A) many B) a few C) much

5. How …. money has Fred got? A) many B) little C) much

6. There are …. monkeys at the Zoo. A) much B) a few C) a little

7. There are …. chairs in the room. A) a little B) much C) a few

8. We are late. We have very… time! A) little B) few C) many

Вставьте less или fewer

1. You must eat …….honey.

2. I want to eat ……. biscuits.

3. In winter fruit is expensive. We have to eat ……… fruit.

4. Try to eat ……… eggs.

5. I am on a diet, I must have…….. butter.

6. We have ……. parties than we had last year.

7. Now we have …….. problems than we had last year.

8. We have ….. free time than we had two years ago.

9. There were …….. factories in this city twenty years ago.

10. We bought ……… food yesterday.

Choose the correct item.

1. Have you got ….. money? A) few B) many C) much

2. Can I have …. milk, please? A) many B) a little C) a few

3. How …. people are in the room? A) many B) much C) a little

4. There are …. biscuits in the tin. A) much B) a few C) a little

5. There are …. books on the shelf. A) little B) much C) a lot of

6. There is very …. honey in the jar. A) little B) few C) many

TV Interview

Mr. Frank Davis

afternoon programme

to remember those times

to realize = to understand

to spend time outdoors

to paint

to try to get

free time

a school champion

Write “true” or “false”

1. Mr. Davis was a great collector of different things.

2. He didn’t try to have thematic collections.

3. At the age of thirty he became fond of sport.

4. In the fifth form he became a theatre-goer and spent his free time in the theatre.

5. When he was finishing school, his parents bought him a computer.

6. He tried dancing and acting but he wasn’t very good.

7. One day Mr. Davis had an idea to write a story about his dog.

8. His daughter was not fond of his new hobby.

9. He has already written five books for children.

Finish the sentences.

1. Mr. Frank Davis is ……..

2. When he was a little boy ……..

3. He was a great collector of ………

4. At the age of twelve he became…….

5. Then he became……….

6. When he was finishing school ……….

7. Later he tried dancing and acting but…….

8. Now he is …….

9. His little daughter liked ……


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