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Peer assessment of Essential question

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Peer assessment from Aitkazy for 2 students from 31-EK.

  1. Here I evaluated the essential question of Ayagoz       Meirmanova which is called “Why are fairytales important to comprehend sequence of tenses?”.

For evaluation I used some criterias:

Level of complexity: This question is quite a bit complicated, the project can be challenging, because students should learn sequences of tenses and write own fairytale and film that.

Level of coherence: In this question we have the connection with the discipline, because all information will be presented in English. Furthermore, they will learn about tenses in English and so on.

Level of authenticity: It is connected with the real life. Nowadays fairy tales are actual in children’s life. And still have current interest. Because, the main idea is the fairy tale. They will solve the question with passion in order to understand sequense of tenses.

Comments: I think it is open-ended question, because as I have already wrote above, it is not easy to give the answer, and it will require a lot of work. And they will create their own fairy tale. But here is one drawback. It would be hard to create their own fairy tale.

Total: I give her 85/100.

2) The second question made by Madina Abdrakhmanova which is called “Can creation of comics help to learn present tenses”

Level of complexity: In my opinion this is not complicated. Because I cannot see the connection between comics and present tenses of English language. Usually in comics we use colloquial style of English. And it is not concerned with learning present tenses. And some words are unfamiliar to children. Maybe even only pictures instead of tenses.

Level of authenticity: This question isn’t connected with the real life. Because the comics are made by person’s fantasy or imagination.

Level of coherence: I cannot see the connection with the discipline. The information will be given in English, but this question cannot teach any useful information for children’s life.

Comments: I think it is not open-ended question. Personally, I am an adolescent and cannot answer this question, because I didn’t understand this question at all.

Total: I give 70 points from 100.

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«Peer assessment of Essential question»

Peer assessment from Aitkazy for 2 students from 31-EK.

  1. Here I evaluated the essential question of Ayagoz Meirmanova which is called “Why are fairytales important to comprehend sequence of tenses?”.

For evaluation I used some criterias:

Level of complexity: This question is quite a bit complicated, the project can be challenging, because students should learn sequences of tenses and write own fairytale and film that.

Level of coherence: In this question we have the connection with the discipline, because all information will be presented in English. Furthermore, they will learn about tenses in English and so on.

Level of authenticity: It is connected with the real life. Nowadays fairy tales are actual in children’s life. And still have current interest. Because, the main idea is the fairy tale. They will solve the question with passion in order to understand sequense of tenses.

Comments: I think it is open-ended question, because as I have already wrote above, it is not easy to give the answer, and it will require a lot of work. And they will create their own fairy tale. But here is one drawback. It would be hard to create their own fairy tale.

Total: I give her 85/100.

2) The second question made by Madina Abdrakhmanova which is called “Can creation of comics help to learn present tenses”

Level of complexity: In my opinion this is not complicated. Because I cannot see the connection between comics and present tenses of English language. Usually in comics we use colloquial style of English. And it is not concerned with learning present tenses. And some words are unfamiliar to children. Maybe even only pictures instead of tenses.

Level of authenticity: This question isn’t connected with the real life. Because the comics are made by person’s fantasy or imagination.

Level of coherence: I cannot see the connection with the discipline. The information will be given in English, but this question cannot teach any useful information for children’s life.

Comments: I think it is not open-ended question. Personally, I am an adolescent and cannot answer this question, because I didn’t understand this question at all.

Total: I give 70 points from 100.


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