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The peer assessment of the Essential Question

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For the making the peer assessment of the Essential Question I have chosen one girl  from 31-ER group: Savostina Yulia

Her question is "What ways can we express ourselves when we do not know another language?"


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«The peer assessment of the Essential Question»

Shin Angelina 34-ER

Activity 7

For the making the peer assessment of the Essential Question I have chosen one girl from 31-ER group: Savostina Yulia

Her question is "What ways can we express ourselves when we do not know another language?".

Here I used some criteria. A good EQ should be taken from real life. So, this question is absolutely from real life. Also a good EQ should be open-ended and provocative. Undoubtedly this question is intended for any audience and is provocative, since we can not answer with one answer.

In my opinion, she have done their EQ well. Because this question will be interesting and useful for students. It doesn’t have only one answer.


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