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Пять типов вопросов в английском языке

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«Пять типов вопросов в английском языке»

Упражнения "Типы вопросительных предложений"

1. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям.

Н-р: Mary grows beautiful flowers in the garden– Does Mary grow flowers in the garden?

The weather is cold today.– Is the weather cold today?

  1. John was tired after work. (Джон устал после работы.)

  2. We live in a small town. (Мы живем в маленьком городке.)

  3. My parents got married in Paris. (Мои родители поженились в Париже.)

  4. She can lose her temper easily. (Она может легко выйти из себя.)

  5. The party will start in time. (Вечеринка начнется вовремя.)

  6. The dogs are sleeping. (Собаки спят.)

  7. He always gives money to homeless children. (Он всегда дает деньги беспризорным детям.)

2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям, используя предлагаемые в скобках варианты.

Н-р: Nick wants to become a lawyer. (a waiter - официант) – Does Nick want to become a lawyer or a waiter?

There are five eggs in the fridge. (ten – десять)  – Are there five or ten eggs in the fridge?

  1. He will study French in Canada. (German – немецкий)

  2. They are football fans. (hockey – хоккей)

  3. Her granny can tell fortunes from cards. (candles – свечи)

  4. I have made an apple-pie. (a banana cake – банановый торт)

  5. Ann bought a nice dress yesterday. (a skirt – юбка)

  6. This car was manufactured in Japan. (Germany – Германия)

  7. They must pay for the taxi. (the lunch  - обед)

  8. The post-office opens at 9. (at 8 – в восемь)

  9. Fiona and John paint their house every five years. (their bedroom – их спальня)

  10. She visited all the museums in Istanbul. (the shops – магазины)

3. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям, начиная с вопросительных слов в скобках.

Н-р: I am interested in psychology. (What…?)– What are you interested in? (Чем ты интересуешься?)

A strange man came here last night. (When…?)– When did the strange man come here? (Когда приходил сюда странный человек?)

  1. The twins were born in June. (When…?)

  2. We had a great time in Disneyland. (Where…?)

  3. Mr. Black can play chess very well. (How…?)

  4. The salad is not fresh. (Why…?)

  5. My wife prefers juice to tea. (Who…?)

  6. Tom orders Japanese food every Friday. (What…?)

  7. I meet a lot of people at work. (Where…?)

  8. They will have lunch at home. (Where…?)

4. Выберите из правой колонки верное окончание разделительного вопроса. Переведите вопросы.

Н-р:   1 – е  (Она необщительна, не так ли?)

  1. She isn’t sociable,                                     a. mustn’t they?

  2. Mark was satisfied,                                    b. do they?

  3. Your kids never argue with you,                  c. didn’t she?

  4. Let’s dance,                                             d. do you?

  5. Tom can dive well,                                    e. is she?

  6. Our partners must keep their word,              f. won’t it?

  7. Helen has washed up,                                g. doesn’t she?

  8. You don’t trust me,                                    h. wasn’t he?

  9. Your mum works as an accountant,              i. hasn’t she?

  10. It will be cloudy tomorrow,                         j. did they?

  11. Betty found a new job,                               k. can’t he?

  12. They didn’t sell their car,                             l. shall we?

5. Сформируйте вопрос к подлежащему:

  1. She was drinking cold water. (Who)

  2. Our neighbor’s children broke the window. (Who)

  3. Lily hasn’t answered the questions yet. (Who)

  4. Sting is my favorite singer. (Who)

  5. Jake is going to Turkey next Saturday. (Who)

  6. My whole class visited the National Art Museum. (Who)

  7. Molly takes dance classes. (Who)

  8. Good results gave him hope for the future. (What)


6. Поставите правильный «хвостик» в разделительном вопросе:

  1. She doesn’t like watching TV, _?

  2. Her brother is older that she, _?

  3. He doesn’t go to extra classes, _?

  4. You should tell your husband the truth, _?

  5. I was a good student, _?

  6. Dolphins are very kind animals, _?

  7. His performance was boring, _?

  8. She has read a very interesting book, _?


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