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План урока в 3 классе "мой дом"

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«План урока в 3 классе "мой дом"»

  1. T: Hello, my dear friends! I am very glad to see you! How are you?

How would you like to work at the lesson: everybody for himself or in teams? Inteams? The work in teams gives more opportunities for all pupils. Everybody can take part in the competitions. Be attentive and serious. At the end of the lesson you will get your marks.

  1. T:The first task is:look at the picture and tryto guess what it is, call out the name and then write this word on the blackboard. 

T:- what is a place where we can have lunch? (a kitchen)

–what is a place where we can relax after our working day, watch TV and read books? (a living room)

– What is a place where we sleep? (a bedroom)

- What is a place where we wash our hands and face? (a bathroom)

- What is a place where we play games.(a garden)

  1. Look at the screen and try to guess what we are going to speak about.

What is the topic of our lesson?

P: “ My Home /My House”

The 2-nd task:read and match English and Russian equivalents!

Eastorwesthomeisbest.-В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

Menmakehouses, butwomenmakehomes.-Мужчинастроитдом, аженщинаделаетегороднымочагом.

Home is where the heart is-Домэтотам,гдетвоесердце.

When the cat is away, the mice will play –Котиздом, мышивпляс.

Let’s read the rhyme

1, 2 - this house is my too.

3, 4 – carpet on the floor.

5, 6 – house of bricks

7, 8 – don't be late

9, 10 – there is a pan.

T: Today we are going to speak about houses and flats, we shall remember the words on this topic and our grammar construction “there is\ there are”.There are different kinds of houses around the world. Here are some.

  1. I would like to know where you live. Do you live in a house or in a flat?

  2. T: And now let's do some interesting exercises in accordance with our theme.

  3. Imagine that your parents bought a new house or a flat.In order to make the new place more comfortable and convenient, we must decorate it. But I don’t want to tell you what you need. Let’s solve the crossword puzzle and you will understand what I mean.

  4. So in order to decorate our flat/room we need… (read the key word/furniture)

  5. Repeat the words after me.

  6. Nowguessdifferentfurniture:

1.We can sit, sleep or watch TV on it. sofa 

2.We can sit and rest on it. armchair

3.We can sit on it. chair 

4. We can eat at it.table

5.When we look at it, we see ourselves. mirror

6.It is for our books. bookcase

7. It is for our clothes. wardrobe

8.Wesleeponit. bed

10) Let’s divide into two groups. (Учащиеся получают карточки с изображениями мебели). Who has got a picture with a chair? You are the first group. Who has got a picture with a bed? You are the second group. Take your sits with your group mates.

11) Give the correct translation of the word.

12) Your task is to complete the puzzle as faster as you can and to win the point for your group. (собираюткартинку)You should cover the pictures with the words.

12) Change the pictures with the words.

13) It’s time to sing a song.

13) Look at the pictures and paint them.

14) let’s read the dialogue and act it out.

14) Choose between is / are

Well done!

If you liked the lesson put the magnet on the white board in the first column with smile face. If you don’t know, attach it to the second column. If you didn’t like the lesson put it in the third column with sad face.

15)Write a short paragraph describing your house/ flat.


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