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Презентация к уроку "Food and Health"

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Презентация к уроку по УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н. Н. Трубаневой для 6 класса

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«Презентация к уроку "Food and Health"»

 Phonetic exercise [p] – plum, pear, apple, pepper [t] – nut, carrot, plate [ S ] – sugar, mushroom, radish [t S ] – cherry, cheese, chocolate [d3] – jam, juice, cabbage, vegetables [i:] – tea, pea, sweet, meat [ei] – cake, grapes, apricot

Phonetic exercise

  • [p] – plum, pear, apple, pepper
  • [t] – nut, carrot, plate
  • [ S ] – sugar, mushroom, radish
  • [t S ] – cherry, cheese, chocolate
  • [d3] – jam, juice, cabbage, vegetables
  • [i:] – tea, pea, sweet, meat
  • [ei] – cake, grapes, apricot
1. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near.  Ложка дорога к обеду . 2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper.   Завтрак съешь сам, обед раздели с другом, ужин отдай врагу. (Завтракай, как король, обедай, как королева, а ужинай, как нищий) 3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.   После обеда посиди , после ужина милю пройди .  4. A hungry man smells meat afar off.  Голодной куме хлеб на уме .  5. Drinking tea with pleasure isn't working without measure.  Чай пить - не дрова рубить. 
  • 1. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near. Ложка дорога к обеду .
  • 2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper.  Завтрак съешь сам, обед раздели с другом, ужин отдай врагу. (Завтракай, как король, обедай, как королева, а ужинай, как нищий)
  • 3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.  После обеда посиди , после ужина милю пройди . 4. A hungry man smells meat afar off. Голодной куме хлеб на уме . 5. Drinking tea with pleasure isn't working without measure. Чай пить - не дрова рубить. 
Which is your favorite food?

Which is your favorite food?

My favorite food is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My favorite food is







Write the words on your list in two columns Food healthy unhealthy

Write the words on your list in two columns




Keep your healthy Give you energy 1…. 2….  cereals 3…. pasta 4….  Help you to grow and make you strong Empty foods  cheese 5…. 6…. fish  7…. cola 8….

Keep your healthy

Give you energy







Help you to grow and make you strong

Empty foods








Read the statements and say true or false All foods are good for you. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong. All foods are good for you. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

Read the statements and say true or false

  • All foods are good for you. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.
  • All foods are good for you.
  • Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.
  • Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy.
  • You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.


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