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ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ по английскому языку 9 класс

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Эта презентация "Иллюзии" используется на уроке английского языка в 9 классе ( модуль 3 d). Дети достаточно заинтересовано рассматривают картинки и делают свои выводы, живо проходят обсуждения- кто, что видит. 

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«ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ по английскому языку 9 класс»



mueller layer

mueller layer

Mueller layer

Mueller layer

Master of light and shadow Kumi Yamashita

Master of light and shadow Kumi Yamashita

Color figures seems more and saturated ,if the shape is edged with black frames

Color figures seems more and saturated ,if the shape is edged with black frames

Look into the center on a black dot. Colored spots should disappear

Look into the center on a black dot. Colored spots should disappear

See the waves?it is not animated and static picturel

See the waves?it is not animated and static picturel

Parallel or horizontal lines ?

Parallel or horizontal lines ?

Which shapes more ?

Which shapes more ?

Try to name the color of each word not the word itself

Try to name the color of each word not the word itself

30 seconds to look at the center of the spiral light bulb,and then shift your gaze to a blank square. You will see that the bulb will light up

30 seconds to look at the center of the spiral light bulb,and then shift your gaze to a blank square. You will see that the bulb will light up


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