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Разработка урока 10 класс

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Вниманию предлагается план-конспект урока английского языка на тему: «Любимая телепередача : Суд по проблеме «Курение подростков в школе»» по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева «Счастливый английский» для учащихся  10-х классов  общеобразовательной школы.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Разработка урока 10 класс»

Илющенко Н.Н МОУ «Средняя Общеобразовательная школа №3» г. Гай Оренбургской области


Вниманию предлагается план-конспект урока английского языка на тему: «Любимая телепередача : Суд по проблеме «Курение подростков в школе»» по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева «Счастливый английский» для учащихся 10-х классов общеобразовательной школы.

Актуальность затронутой проблемы способствует повышению мотивации учащихся к предмету. Учебно-методическими задачами урока являются:

- формирование речевых умений и навыков;

- развитие навыков восприятия иностранной речи на слух;

- формирование коммуникативной компетентности;

- вовлечение учащихся в проектную деятельность.

На уроке использованы различные формы классной работы: фронтальная, групповая, парная, индивидуальная. Использование компьютера, видиопроектора, ресурсов сети Интернет позволяет реализовать принципы наглядности, доступности и системности изложения материала, стимулирует развитие мыслительной и творческой активности учащихся, увлечение предметом, создание наилучших условий для овладения навыками аудирования, говорения, коммуникативной компетентности и обеспечивает эффективность усвоения материала на уроках английского языка.

Илющенко Н.Н.

Учитель английского языка высшей категории МОУ «СОШ№3» г. Гая Оренбургской области

Тема: Любимая телепередача:

Суд подростков – Виновен или нет?

Проблема курения подростков в школе

Teen Court – Guilty or not?


Компьютер, видеопроектор, сайты:

BBC World Serviсe


BBC Learning English 2007


Материалы, используемые при подготовке к уроку:


http//:www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2008/02/20/1700_type 82913_161275.shtml

http//:www.adic.org.na/sober_ cool/sc_ 2001/sc – 02.shtml

Картинки по теме «Курение в школе»


Smoking Ban



Свободное время подростков:


TV in Russia &in Great Britain




Как бросить курить?


www.antismoke. info/comproment/option

слоугены, картинки, фото, видеосюжет, предметы для сцен рекламы, раздаточный материал

Временная развертка урока

Вид деятельности



Организационный момент

2 мин


Презентация по теме «Свободное время британских и российских подростков».

Ученица представляет свою работу в виде презентации с помощью схем, графиков, функций, применяя практические знания и навыки, полученные на уроках информатики и на основе материалов Интернет-ресурсов по исследованной проблеме.

7 мин.


Любимая телепередача: суд подростков по проблеме «Курение в школе».

В ролевой игре используется видеоролик, снятый самими учащимися «Курение в нашей школе».

Продолжительность ролика – 4 мин.

Фотовыставка «Последствия курения».

Картинки по теме « Курение в школе и в других общественных местах» сайта images.

20 мин


Антиреклама курения .

Советы «Как бросить курить ?»

Сайт Smoking Ban .

Используется информация с канала BBC о реакции людей на закон, запрещающий курение в общественных местах.

Продолжительность звучания – 2 мин. (прослушивают 2 раза, т.е 4 мин).

7 мин.


Объяснение домашнего задания .

На этом этапе урока учитель использует печатный материал из сайта BBC Learning English 2007 и раздает учащимся для чтения на дом.

2 мин


Итоги урока. Организация конца урока.

2 мин.



  • знакомство с организацией проведения свободного времени подростков стран изучаемого языка и своей родной страны;

  • знакомство с социальными проблемами подростков.


  • развитие способностей к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий, к логическому изложению;

  • развитие умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к проблеме, аргументировать своё высказывание;


  • формирование социально-правовой активности учащихся, дисциплинированности как формы проявления на практике усвоенных правовых норм:

  • развитие навыков школьного самоуправления, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы;

  • повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.


  • формирование речевых умений;

  • развитие навыков аудирования восприятия речи на слух;

  • формирование коммуникативной компетентности;

  • вовлечение учащихся в проектную деятельность.

Современные образовательные технологии:

Проектная, здоровьесберегающая, проблемное обучение, обучение в сотрудничестве, дебаты, ИКТ.

Ход урока

I Организационный момент

  1. Приветствие T-Cl – Good Morning!

Glad to see you!

  1. Рапорт дежурного

5th March

It’s Thursday

All are present

It’s spring now

The weather is…

  1. Задачи урока

T: Dear pupils,

We have worked at the project for a month and we’ve taken three themes of discussion according to the school programme: “Teenagers’ Free Time”, “Means of Communication and Information”, “TV, TV programmes and Ads”, “Healthy Living Guide”

You have done a lot of work, have analyzed the statistic facts, poll-opinions,

Questionnaires; you’ve compared the things and you’ve come to the conclusion. At last you’ve created the plot of the role-play. I think it’s time to present it.

So, you can see the theme of our presentation is Favourite TV Programme: Teen Court – Guilty or not? We’ll touch upon the “Problem of Smoking in School”

II. Презентация Быковец Д. по теме «Свободное время британских и российских подростков»



P: Life of teenagers is very varied. There are different leisure activities the teenagers do. For example: reading, visiting historical places, doing the shopping, going to a disco, watching TV, visiting and entertaining friends and relatives, listening to radio, skateboarding, doing voluntary work, listening to records, CD and tapes, writing a poem or a story, drawing a poster, going to art museums, playing computer games, hanging out at a mall and others.

According to the question, we can see the fallowing share:

The most popular activities among British pupils are:


watching TV- 43%

visiting and entertaining friends and relatives- 16%

listening to records, CD and tapes- 14%

listening to radio- 14%

The most popular activities among Russian pupils are:

Reading- 24%

watching TV- 45%

visiting and entertaining friends and relatives- 13%

listening to records, CD and tapes -10%

listening to radio- 8%

So, we can come to the conclusion that watching TV is the most popular leisure activity. It’s not surprising, because TV plays a very impotent role in people’s lives. It’s a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time. TV channels show a great variety of programs: documentaries, current affairs programs, feature films, comedies, soap and police series, court, concerts, cartoons and others. TV is а reflection of the modern world. A lot of people really relax watching favourite programmes.

In Britain the most popular TV channels are: BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel4, cable and satellite.

In Russia the most popular TV channels are: The first, Russia, STS, TNT. TV channels includes serious, children’s, live, education programmes and general entertainments. Programmes combine documentaries, current affairs programmes, feature films, comedies, soap and police series, court, concerts, cartoons, cookery, music, special shows, commercial and weather forecast and others.

At school we had opinion poll. 30 pupils of the 9-10 forms were asked. The questions were:

  1. What is your favourite programme on TV?

  2. What programmes will you choose according to your interests?

  3. What programme would you put on the first place?

In a result of the opinion poll the programme “Court” is the most popular among pupils of our school. So we would like to show our favorite programme to you.

III. Суд подростков – Виновны или нет? По проблеме «Курение в школе»

Звучит музыка из кинофильма «Шерлок Хомс»

SJ: Court is a place where different problems are solved. Teenagers have a lot of problem. Smoking is one of them. The pupils of our school complain to the school rules and sometimes break them. Today we’ll have “Teen Court” on theme “The problem of teenager’s smoking in our school” and we’ll know if they are guilty or not.

In our court-hall we can see

  • The plaintiffs

  • The defendants

  • The judges who will give you the final decision.

Звучит музыка из кинофильма «Шерлок Хомс»

Attention! Some pupils have been caught by the teachers and pupils on duty smoking in the classrooms and in the toilets. You know, smoking is forbidden everywhere in school. The teachers and pupils on duty complained to Teen Court

Now, I ask plaintiffs to explain the complaint.

P1 : The situation is: we have caught these pupils several times smoking in the classrooms and in the toilets. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in school. We told them to stop, but they continued. We consider it out of school rules and complain to the teen court to solve the problem.

Просмотр видеоролика по теме «Курильщики в нашей школе» и фотовыставки

Продолжительность – 6 минут



SJ : You defendants, will you respond to the complain. Speak by turn, one by one.

D1: Yes, we can. First we disagree to the complaint. Most of people smoke now days and do nothing about it.

D2: As for me, I like smoking, all my friends smoking

D3: My father smokes. I smoke too.

D4: My parents allow me to smoke.

D5 : Besides, it’s a modern tendency in the society.

SJ: What can you say on such answers?

P2: For what do you smoke? What is the reason of your smoking?

SJ: You defendants please.

D1 : The life of a teenager is not so easy. I smoke to express myself and develop my own lifestyle

D2: As for me, I smoke to show me off and to show a rebellion to my parents, teachers, to all adults.

D3 : I smoke to try out all sorts of options.

SJ : So, we see. What about you plaintiffs

P3::I think you are not right. There are many other ways to express yourself: going in to sport, doing interesting activities, healthy living guide.

P4: Healthy living guide is a modern living tendency in the world now. As for me I would like to recommend you to express yourself among the teenagers with the help of such sport as sky diving, potholing, rock climbing, rating, water diving. By the way it’s dangerous and helps you to be strong and brave. Such traits of character as strength, patience, toughness, mobility, self-confidence are popular and valued among young people.(Application)

P5: Could you explain why do you smoke? Don’t you know it’s bad for your health?

SJ : It’s the right idea. And you defendants?

D4: I have no problems with my health though I am a smoker. I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I have been smoking since I was 10 or 12. All my friends are smokers. I don’t want to be the odd one out. I know all the facts but you only live once, don’t you? So why not enjoy yourself?

SJ: Yes. And you plaintiffs?

P1 : The value of your enjoying yourself is very high, in my opinion. I doubt that you don’t know about the effects of smoking. I dear remember you, smoking causes a cough, a headache, cancer, blood, heart, brain diseases, slow reactions and loss of memory. (Application)

P2 : Besides, it makes your teeth yellow, skin unhealthy, hair and clothes smell.

SJ : Good arguments. What about your defendants?

D5: I think people should choose for them if they want to be healthy – it’s their life, it’s their body. They are free to decide

SJ: You plaintiffs

P3 : And what about your responsibility about people who around you? You break social norms. As for me I’m a normal teenager. I want to go out and have fun with my friends and do teenager things. I want to be healthy, be out of smoke

P4 : I am going to be active healthy citizen of the society, to do useful things for country and it’s people. I agree with that because smoking affects other people’s life too. I don’t smoke. I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. What should I do?

D1: Don’t go to the smoker’s places.

P5: But school is not a smoker’s place. And what about the right to health and health care (article 24)?

D4: What can you say about the right to private life?

SJ: So. I see you know right but what about duties? I ask judges to come out with their questions

J1: Do you know the laws of the documents with age limits for some activities? I address first for you plaintiffs.

P : Yes we do.

J1: You, defendants?

D: Yes we do.

J1: Let’s remember, please, the age limits of smoking

D5 : At 18 you can buy cigarettes. The law allows a young person to smoke. You must smoke in a special places not in a public one.

J2: Does the law ban smoking in offices, in TV and radio ads, in the underground, in buses and other kinds of transport and public places?

D: Yes it does

J2: Does it mean “public places”?

D2: School, libraries, cinemas, theatres, galleries, museums, exhibitions ,etc

J2: Soon it will contain the “street” as well. You should smoke only in the special places for smoking

SJ :Thank you! Our discussion is over. The judges go out to come to the same decision and I’ll ask them for the final decision.

(В перерыве перед оглашением финального решения учащиеся представляют антирекламу курения)

Продолжительность – 6 мин



Having heard both plaintiffs and defendants we’ve come to the decision:

According law which forbids smoking in the public place the defendants will be punished, because they will be taken money for smoking in school. It will be 500 rb for each of them

They don’t conform to the society standards and differ from social norms

As the defendants don’t work and don’t have their own money, their parents should do their children’s smoking on their own responsibility and should pay a fane

The Teen Court is over. You may be free

IV .Аудирование


Окончание звучания:8.31

BBC channel информация «Реакция людей на закон, запрещающий курение» и беседа по прослушанному.

T: Thank you, children

You have shown the way of solving the smoking problem in your school with the help of the court, the law I dare say, you are on the right way.

You know the smoking problem is not the problem only in our school, town, country, but it is urgent for people all over the world.

To solve the problem some European countries have to ban smoking in public places and accept the special laws. For example: France has joined several other European countries in imposing a ban on smoking in bars , cafes and restaurants.

Now, you’ll listen and look through the text and then.

You’ll answer the questions and give your own opinion on the law.

Q:1) Has the tobacco ban come into effect quite enough? (No, it hasn’t. It has had the resistance)

2) Is the tobacco ban without teeth? (The tobacco ban is with teeth)

3) What is the reaction of people to the law? (Some people see it as an affront to personal liberty.)

(Some people see it as a threat to a traditional way of life)

T: So, you see there are different points of view on tobacco. What is your attitude to the law? (P1,P2,P3)

V. Объяснение домашнего задания (печатный материал из Интернета)

T: Прочитать, перевести мнения разных людей и ваше отношение к их высказываниям.

VI. Итоги урока. Организация окончания урока.


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