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Разработка урока "Жанры книг"

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Комбинированный урок с введением новой лексики и на закрепление грамматической структуры условных предложений 1 типа.

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«Разработка урока "Жанры книг"»

Genres of books

(разработка урока для 8 класса)


1) познакомить учащихся с видами книг;

2) закрепить использования условных предложений первого типа и новой лексики;

3) привить любовь к чтению художественной литературы.

УМК: Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н. Н. “Enjoy English”: учебник для 8 кл. общеобраз. учежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.

Оснащение: проектор, раздаточный материал: таблицы для структуры A/R Guide.

Использованные сингапурские структуры: A/R Guide, Think. Write. Round Robin, Jot Thoughts.

Ход урока

I. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. Good morning, my friends. Let’s smile to our guests and each other. To check your homework let’s revise the tongue twister.

Look at the screen and

1) Сomplete the tongue twister:

Three grey … in a green field …. Grey were the …and green was the… .

(Three grey gees in a green field grazing.

Grey were the gees and green was the grazing.)

2) Read it at a normal speed.

3) Read it as quickly as you can to each other in your groups. Choose a winner who will recite it by heart to the whole class. (The blackboard is cleared.)

Who was the quickest, the most correct? (Pupils evaluate themselves).

II. Речевая зарядка.

What sounds do you hear in the tongue twister more often? ([g], [i:], [z])

Now from sounds we go to the words. Name other words with these sounds.

Pupil. [g]: go, get, galaxy, dog.

[i:]: tea, three, we, sheep, read

[z]: zoo, zebra, choose, etc.

Teacher. It’s time to go from the words to the sentences. Let’s revise the First Conditional sentences. I suggest you to answer my questions for reminding them:

1. What will happen if a person reads too many fantastic books?

2. What will happen if a person reads too many detective stories?

3. What will happen if a person reads the book “Robinson Crusoe”?

Pupil 1. If a person reads too many fantastic books, he will believe in aliens.

Pupil 2.

IV. Ведение новых понятий.

Teacher. So, what do you think, what is the topic of our lesson?

Pupil. Books and reading.

Teacher. Please, write it down in your exercise books. Be attentive, please. From the previous school year you know some genres of books. Would you like to know more? You can do it together. And I’ll only help you.

Структура “A/R Guide”

Teacher. Now each group should discuss together and write down a list of genres of books. Complete only the first column of the table.

Table № 2, student № 3, read your list. (Pupil. …)

After watching some slides you should add some new words to your lists (the second column of the table). Now look at the screen and repeat after me: detective story, fairy tale, novel, fantasy, poem, romance, fiction, non-fiction, horror story, biography, adventure story. I give you 1 minute.

Table № 1, student № 4, what kind of books have you added? (Pupil. ….)

To check your understanding we’ll do some matching activity. Match the genres of book with its number:

Romance, comedy, science fiction, adventure, travel, biography, fairy tail, mystery, detective story.



ROMANCE _________ COMEDY _________


TRAVEL _________ HORROR _________

BIOGRAPHY _________ FAIRY TALE _________

MYSTERY _________ THRILLER _________

ыполняем гимнастику для глаз.

V. Формирование навыков.

Teacher. Let’s get acquainted with some English and American writers. Repeat after me: William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Robert Burns, Stephen King. Read it yourself. (SB: ex. 102, page 83.)

Now match the authors with the genres of books they wrote. What genre did Agatha Christie write?

Pupil 1. Agatha Christie wrote detective stories.

Pupil 2.

Структура “Think and Write. Round Robin”.

Teacher. Now you are going to write what kind of book you prefer to read. And explain why. (For example: Personally, I prefer to read romances because I like stories about people falling in love. My favorite book is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen etc.)

One student from each group will sum up your work.

VI. Закрепление.

Структура “Jot thoughts” To draw the conclusion, put down your thoughts about book. (Записывают на листочках и прочитывают свои стихи о книге в форме синквейн – поэзии: 1 строка – существительное, 2 строка – 2 прилагательных, 3 строчка – 3 глагола, 4 строка – предложение про книгу, 5 строка – существительное-синоним.)


Line 1:

science fiction

Line 2:

interesting, exciting

Line 3:

to read, to borrow, to like

Line 4:

I enjoy reading science fiction books.

Line 5:

book about technology of future

VII. Домашнее задание.

In groups write a description of one writer, use the Linguistic and Cultural Guide (p. 129).

VIII. Рефлексия

Teacher. Did you like our lesson? Was it useful and informative? Have you learned something new? I thank you for the lesson. Your marks will be on your sheets of paper tomorrow.


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