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Учимся печатать на английском языке

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Разработка содержит тексты на английском языке. С помощью этого задания учащиеся знакомятся с раскладкой клавиатуры на английском языке. Тексты те сложные многие слова им будут знакомы. Я использую эти тексты для цикла уроков по работе на клавиатуре.

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«Учимся печатать на английском языке»

Fast food came from America. McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut are famous and popular fast food restaurants. Millions of Americans eat in fast food restaurants. McDonald’s is a symbol of American life and culture. The typical American food is fast food: pizza, fries, hamburgers and hot dogs are famous kinds of fast food. Fast food is not usually expensive. It is quick and quite cheap. Now there are fast food restaurants in a lot of countries. For example, we can find McDonald’s in China, Russia and England.

In Britain people buy food in supermarkets, small shops and markets. Supermarkets sell fruit, vegetables and all kinds of food and TVs, books and other things too. Some are open all night. Small shops sell food and other things too. For example, people can buy pens there. Some shops are open every day. Others are not open on Sundays. Shops usually open at 9.00am. They usually close at 5.30 or 6.00pm. Some shops close at 9.00 or 10.00pm and some supermarkets are open 24 hours. Markets do not open after 5.30pm or on Sundays.

When we make tea and coffee we use energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our world. People drink 229 million cups of tea and coffee every day. We should save the energy we use to make tea and coffee. If we want three cups of tea, we should put three cups of water in the kettle. But often we put in five or six cups of water. We use 90 seconds more for a kettle with three cups than for a kettle with one cup. So each time we use a kettle we should save energy. We should think: how many cups do I want? Water is a problem too. How can we save energy, save water and be healthy?

People cut down trees for farms, houses, to make bread, to cook, to keep their houses warm and to make paper. When people cut down trees they destroy forests. Over the past 50 years people cut down almost 50% of the rain forests. Paper comes from trees. When we use a lot of paper we must cut down a lot of trees. Trees give us clean air and oxygen. Trees are homes for many animals and birds. So trees are very important for us. We must take care of them.

Five years ago my grandparents lived in the village of Smalville in Florida. We visited them every summer. Every day we helped with their farm. They didn’t have a car, but they had a brown horse and a cart. They also had two cows and a very big bull. I wasn’t afraid of him because he was good. He was three years old and was born on the farm. My grandparents had some hens and sheep too and a beautiful dog, Ted, but they didn’t have any cats. Near their house there was a river. My grandad swam but I didn’t because I was too small. We liked the farm. We were very happy there. Last year my grandparents sold their house and some of their ani­mals and moved to a village near Los Angeles. I am glad they didn’t sell their horse or their dog. Last month we visited them. Their new house and village are beautiful. I want to visit them again soon.

Fast food came from America. McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut are famous and popular fast food restaurants. Millions of Americans eat in fast food restaurants. McDonald’s is a symbol of American life and culture. The typical American food is fast food: pizza, fries, hamburgers and hot dogs are famous kinds of fast food. Fast food is not usually expensive. It is quick and quite cheap. Now there are fast food restaurants in a lot of countries. For example, we can find McDonald’s in China, Russia and England.

In Britain people buy food in supermarkets, small shops and markets. Supermarkets sell fruit, vegetables and all kinds of food and TVs, books and other things too. Some are open all night. Small shops sell food and other things too. For example, people can buy pens there. Some shops are open every day. Others are not open on Sundays. Shops usually open at 9.00am. They usually close at 5.30 or 6.00pm. Some shops close at 9.00 or 10.00pm and some supermarkets are open 24 hours. Markets do not open after 5.30pm or on Sundays.

When we make tea and coffee we use energy: gas, electricity and coal. Global warming comes from energy we use. So each time we make a cup of tea we make a problem for our world. People drink 229 million cups of tea and coffee every day. We should save the energy we use to make tea and coffee. If we want three cups of tea, we should put three cups of water in the kettle. But often we put in five or six cups of water. We use 90 seconds more for a kettle with three cups than for a kettle with one cup. So each time we use a kettle we should save energy. We should think: how many cups do I want? Water is a problem too. How can we save energy, save water and be healthy?

People cut down trees for farms, houses, to make bread, to cook, to keep their houses warm and to make paper. When people cut down trees they destroy forests. Over the past 50 years people cut down almost 50% of the rain forests. Paper comes from trees. When we use a lot of paper we must cut down a lot of trees. Trees give us clean air and oxygen. Trees are homes for many animals and birds. So trees are very important for us. We must take care of them.

Five years ago my grandparents lived in the village of Smalville in Florida. We visited them every summer. Every day we helped with their farm. They didn’t have a car, but they had a brown horse and a cart. They also had two cows and a very big bull. I wasn’t afraid of him because he was good. He was three years old and was born on the farm. My grandparents had some hens and sheep too and a beautiful dog, Ted, but they didn’t have any cats. Near their house there was a river. My grandad swam but I didn’t because I was too small. We liked the farm. We were very happy there. Last year my grandparents sold their house and some of their ani­mals and moved to a village near Los Angeles. I am glad they didn’t sell their horse or their dog. Last month we visited them. Their new house and village are beautiful. I want to visit them again soon.


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