Цели мероприятия:
- систематизация лексико-грамматического материала по темам разделов учебника 3 класса.
- развить у обучающихся умение работать в команде и чувство коллективизма;
- способствовать развитию уважительного отношения друг к другу;
- развить у учащихся интерес к предмету.
практиковать употребление лексических единиц;
обобщить грамматические правила и их употребление;
обобщить знания фонетики;
практиковать умение употреблять предлоги в контексте;
развить языковую догадку.
Оформление: компьютер, проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.
Ход мероприятия:
I. “Welcome to Brain-ring!”
Приветствие участников, сообщение целей мероприятия, обозначение правил викторины
Цель: пробудить у учащихся интерес к английскому языку.
Оборудование: карточки с заданиями
Ход мероприятия
1. Организация класса
- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! We are meeting here to play games and have some competitions. We are divided into 3 groups. Now you should give the name to your teams and choose captains. Think a little. The first team is called … . The captain’s name is … . The second team is called … . The captain’s name is … .The third team is called … . The captain’s name is … . Now let’s start our game.
«What?», «Where?», «When?»
1.What is the motherland of lemon and orange?
(China, Ukraine, The USA)
2.How many years is an apple-tree?
(1000, 3000, 4000)
3.What colour are leaves in autumn?
(yellow, green)
4.What is the colour of ripe cherries?
(red, green)
5.What is the colour of grass in spring?
(brown, green)
6.What animal has the longest life?
(a dog, a tortoise, a tiger)
7.Can elephants slim?
8.What is the cleverest animal?
(chimpanzee, orangutan, elephant)
9.Which animal is cleverer of lion, a tiger or a leopard?
(a lion)
10.Can animals talk to each other?
(yes) They cannot speak as people can, but many animals can express joy, fear, anger by their shouts.
11.What are cleverest domestic animals?
(a horse and a dog)
12.Which is the largest animal lives today?
(a blue whale)
13.Does kangaroo grow all its life?
14.Where do the shortest people live?
(in Africa-pygmies)
15.What has fifty heads but cannot speak?
(a box of matches)
16.What is the difference between «here» and «there»?
(the letter «t»)
17.What is above your head and under your cap?
(your hear)
18.What is the best and cheapest light?
19.What cats love better their homes or people?
20.Three men were under one umbrella, but nobody was wet. Why?
(because it was not raining)
«Do you know?»
1.What is white? (milk, snow, chalk)
2.What is black? (coal, raven)
3.What is red? (tomato, cherry)
4.What is yellow? (lemon, dandelion)
5.What is orange? (orange, carrot, apricot)
6.What is green? (grass, cucumber)
7.What is blue? (sky, sea)
8.What is brown? (bread, eyes, bear)
9.What is grey? (wolf, cat)
10.What is violet? (a violet)
«Be quick!»
1.Write down your name in English as quick as you can.
2.Try to tear a piece of paper at two times now try to tear the paper at the same time, but pull to the left and to the right at once. Can you?
3.Name the words:
a)a b e e t
b)a c h i r
c)a l m p
d)c e h i k n
4.Name the shortest month of the year.
5.Draw me «I have a face. I have two hands. I can go, I can stop, I can wake you up.»
6.Draw me «I don’t ask questions, but you must answer it.»
7.Fill in the blanks
Dog, cat, horse… wolf, line, bear…..
8.Match the words
Railway station – train
Port - …
Spring – flower
Winter –
9.Write down the words
.i. (big)
.i. (pig)
.i. (six)
.i. (his)
.i. (sit)
.i. (him)
10.Finish the poem
Little children,
Come to me.
Let us play
Under the (tree).
Five little girls,
As you can see,
Are in the garden
Under the (tree).
A game
1.I am «it» and stand in the middle of the circle.
They are players.
I say «face to face», «side by side» or «black to black». All change pairs. (кто теряет пару, становится ведущим)
2. «Merry telephone» (say a word).
3. Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.