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What can we do to save the Earth?

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Презентация к уроку в 8 классе. 

*Lead-in *Pronunciation/Vocabulary *Warm-up. Speaking. Questionnaire *Vocabulary. Controlled practice activity *Speaking/Listening. Presentation. Role-play *Speaking/Discussion. Table completion *Grammar. Conditional II, III *Feedback *Homework

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«What can we do to save the Earth?»

What can we do to save the Earth? The 8 th form

What can we do to save the Earth?

The 8 th form

Lesson plan components Lead-in Pronunciation/Vocabulary Warm-up. Speaking. Questionnaire Vocabulary. Controlled practice activity Speaking/Listening. Presentation. Role-play Speaking/Discussion. Table completion Grammar. Conditional II, III Feedback Homework

Lesson plan components

  • Lead-in
  • Pronunciation/Vocabulary
  • Warm-up. Speaking. Questionnaire
  • Vocabulary. Controlled practice activity
  • Speaking/Listening. Presentation. Role-play
  • Speaking/Discussion. Table completion
  • Grammar. Conditional II, III
  • Feedback
  • Homework
Pronunciation/Vocabulary environment [ɪn'vaɪərənmənt] окружающая среда environmental [ɪnˌvaɪərən'ment(ə)l] связанный с окружающей средой protection [prə'tekʃən] защита, охрана pollution [pə'luːʃən] загрязнение destruction [dɪ'strʌkʃən] разрушение,уничтожение rubbish ['rʌbɪʃ] мусор recycle [ˌriː'saɪkəl]перерабатывать throw away ['θrəu əweɪ] выбрасывать drop [drɔp] бросать damage ['dæmɪʤ] разрушать,вредить destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] разрушать,уничтожать soil [sɔɪl] почва,земля habitat ['hæbɪtæt] жилище,ариал


environment [ɪn'vaɪərənmənt] окружающая среда

environmental [ɪnˌvaɪərən'ment(ə)l] связанный с окружающей средой

protection [prə'tekʃən] защита, охрана

pollution [pə'luːʃən] загрязнение

destruction [dɪ'strʌkʃən] разрушение,уничтожение

rubbish ['rʌbɪʃ] мусор

recycle [ˌriː'saɪkəl]перерабатывать

throw away ['θrəu əweɪ] выбрасывать

drop [drɔp] бросать

damage ['dæmɪʤ] разрушать,вредить

destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] разрушать,уничтожать

soil [sɔɪl] почва,земля

habitat ['hæbɪtæt] жилище,ариал

Pronunciation/Vocabulary wrapping ['ræpɪŋ] обертка reduce [rɪ'djuːs] уменьшать, сокращать extinct [ɪk'stɪŋkt] вымирающий disease [dɪ'ziːz] болезнь poison ['pɔɪzənəs] ядовитый ,отравляющий nuclear ['njuːklɪə] ядерный disappear [ˌdɪsə'pɪə] исчезать renewable [rɪ'njuːəbl] возобновляемый (о природных ресурсах) save [seɪv] спасать


wrapping ['ræpɪŋ] обертка

reduce [rɪ'djuːs] уменьшать, сокращать

extinct [ɪk'stɪŋkt] вымирающий

disease [dɪ'ziːz] болезнь

poison ['pɔɪzənəs] ядовитый ,отравляющий

nuclear ['njuːklɪə] ядерный

disappear [ˌdɪsə'pɪə] исчезать

renewable [rɪ'njuːəbl] возобновляемый (о природных ресурсах)

save [seɪv] спасать

What does the word environment mean?    Environment is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil and minerals we use, living organisms.

What does the word environment mean?

Environment is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil and minerals we use, living organisms.

Questionnaire 1. What does your family do with empty bottles? A) Take them to a recycling bin. B) Return them to the supermarket. C) Throw them in the rubbish bin. 2. When you buy one or two items at the supermarket, you… A) …take a plastic carrier bag. B) …reuse an old plastic carrier bag. C) …use your own bag. 3. How often do you choose products which contain recycled materials? A) Always B) Never C) Sometimes


1. What does your family do with empty bottles?

A) Take them to a recycling bin.

B) Return them to the supermarket.

C) Throw them in the rubbish bin.

2. When you buy one or two items at the supermarket, you…

A) …take a plastic carrier bag.

B) …reuse an old plastic carrier bag.

C) …use your own bag.

3. How often do you choose products which contain recycled materials?

A) Always

B) Never

C) Sometimes

Questionnaire 4. If you were asked to contribute to a Save the Animals project, you would… A) …give generously B) …give a small amount C) …refuse to give anything 5. A local beach has been polluted with oil. You… A) …donate money for the clean-up project B) …do nothing C) …volunteer to help with the clean-up project 6. You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper? A) Drop it on the pavement B) Put it in a litter bin C) Save it to recycling 7. When you clean your teeth, you… A) …turn the tap on only when you need water. B) …leave the tap running until you have finished. C) …only use one glass of water.


4. If you were asked to contribute to a Save the Animals project, you would…

A) …give generously

B) …give a small amount

C) …refuse to give anything

5. A local beach has been polluted with oil. You…

A) …donate money for the clean-up project

B) …do nothing

C) …volunteer to help with the clean-up project

6. You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper?

A) Drop it on the pavement

B) Put it in a litter bin

C) Save it to recycling

7. When you clean your teeth, you…

A) …turn the tap on only when you need water.

B) …leave the tap running until you have finished.

C) …only use one glass of water.

Key: 1 2 A 3 3 A A 0 B 4 B 2 3 5 A C 2 B 3 A 6 0 C 0 A 2 7 B C 3 2 B 0 A 2 B 0 2 C B 0 2 C C 3 0 3 C 3



















































Results 21-15* Keep up the good work! You’re doing your part (your best!) to protect the environment. 14-10* There’s some room for improvement. Change your habits and you’ll soon be GREEN. 9-0* You’re part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.


21-15* Keep up the good work! You’re doing your part (your best!) to protect the environment.

14-10* There’s some room for improvement. Change your habits and you’ll soon be GREEN.

9-0* You’re part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.

Find the synonyms  Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings. litter protect get rid of produce destroy make rubbish wrapping packaging save throw away damage habitat unclean dirty home

Find the synonyms Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings.



get rid of








throw away






The major environmental problems are:   Pollution water pollution, air pollution, noise, nuclear, soil pollution 2. Global warming  3. Shortage of natural resources 4. Destruction of wild life.

The major environmental problems are:

  • Pollution
  • water pollution,
  • air pollution,
  • noise,
  • nuclear,
  • soil pollution

2. Global warming

3. Shortage of natural resources

4. Destruction of wild life.

Water pollution  Nowadays water pollution is a very important problem.  Many rivers, seas, oceans are polluted by chemical and nuclear waste,  b ecause people dump industrial waste into them. Many fish and sea animals are poisoned.

Water pollution

Nowadays water pollution is a very important problem.

Many rivers, seas, oceans are polluted by chemical and nuclear waste, b ecause people dump industrial waste into them.

Many fish and sea animals are poisoned.

Air pollution The air, once clean and fresh, now is polluted by power stations and factories. Today, as a result of air pollution, there are ozone holes in the atmosphere. Through these holes ultraviolet radiation can get to the Earth and can cause different skin diseases.

Air pollution

The air, once clean and fresh, now is polluted by power stations and factories.

Today, as a result of air pollution, there are ozone holes in the atmosphere. Through these holes ultraviolet radiation can get to the Earth and can cause different skin diseases.

Global warming  The climate on the Earth becomes warmer now. It is so, because of the greenhouse effect. Some scientists say that if the temperature rises  3-4°, life on the Earth  will be impossible.

Global warming

The climate on the Earth becomes warmer now. It is so, because of the greenhouse effect. Some scientists say that if the temperature rises

3-4°, life on the Earth

will be impossible.

 Disappearing animals Many animals and birds are extinct nowadays:  dodo, passenger pigeon, different reptiles, fish, and insects .  The main reason of their death is a man , who kills them, destroys their habitats. People hunt different animals for their skin, meat. Many animals are endangered:   Indian tigers, African elephants, and different kind of birds, fish, insects and others.

Disappearing animals

Many animals and birds are extinct nowadays: dodo, passenger pigeon, different reptiles, fish, and insects .

The main reason of their death is a man , who kills them, destroys their habitats. People hunt different animals for their skin, meat. Many animals are endangered:

Indian tigers, African elephants, and different kind of birds, fish, insects and others.

Natural resources Many natural resources coal, gas, metals and minerals are not renewable. If we don’t change the way we use energy and natural resources, we ‘ll destroy our planet.  People should find the ways to reduce the amount of resources and energy to use.  We also have to find alternative ways to make energy. We can use the sun, the wind, the sea and the heat of the earth.

Natural resources

Many natural resources coal, gas, metals and minerals are not renewable. If we don’t change the way we use energy and natural resources, we ‘ll destroy our planet. People should find the ways to reduce the amount of resources and energy to use.

We also have to find alternative ways to make energy. We can use the sun, the wind, the sea and the heat of the earth.

Why throw away so much? The Green words reports say that in one year the average pearson throws away: about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and about 70 drink cans. Try to save the Earth: Avoid buying packaged goods Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centers Never drop litter. Don’t waste paper. Before you throw anything away, stop and think: is it possible to reuse or recycle.  Reuse plastic bags or use shopping bags

Why throw away so much?

The Green words reports say that in one year the average pearson throws away: about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and about 70 drink cans.

Try to save the Earth:

  • Avoid buying packaged goods
  • Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centers
  • Never drop litter.
  • Don’t waste paper.
  • Before you throw anything away, stop and think: is it possible to reuse or recycle.
  • Reuse plastic bags or use shopping bags
International green organizations   Nowadays  people are worried about the environment and try to solve environmental problems.  They create different organizations such as  «Green Peace», «World Wild life Fond»  etc .  The government also makes different laws to protect our nature.

International green organizations

Nowadays people are worried about the environment and try to solve environmental problems.

They create different organizations such as

«Green Peace», «World Wild life Fond» etc .

The government also makes different laws to protect our nature.

 This is our Mother Earth….  This is how it should look like!

This is our Mother Earth….

This is how it should look like!

Fill in the table Problems Effects 1. Water pollution Solutions

Fill in the table



1. Water pollution


Conditional II, III Conditional II (маловероятное условие, действие относится к настоящему или будущему времени): If+ Past Simple, would + I form If we opened mote national parks, we would save wild animals. Если бы мы (сейчас) создавали больше заповедников, мы бы спасли диких животных. Conditional III ( нереальное условие, действие относится к прошедшему времени) : If+ Past Perfect, would /could have + III form If people hadn’t thrown waste in the water, our seas would have been cleaner. Если бы люди (тогда) не сбрасывали отходы в воду, наши моря были бы чище.

Conditional II, III

Conditional II (маловероятное условие, действие относится к настоящему или будущему времени):

If+ Past Simple, would + I form

If we opened mote national parks, we would save wild animals.

Если бы мы (сейчас) создавали больше заповедников, мы бы спасли диких животных.

Conditional III ( нереальное условие, действие относится к прошедшему времени) :

If+ Past Perfect, would /could have + III form

If people hadn’t thrown waste in the water, our seas would have been cleaner.

Если бы люди (тогда) не сбрасывали отходы в воду, наши моря были бы чище.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, using Conditional II or III If we (cut down) _______ fewer forests, the air (be) _____ clean and fresh. If we (pollute) ______ our rivers and lakes, they (be) _______ full of fish. If we (be) _______ clever and careful, we not (live) ______ among litter and waste. If we (plant) ______ more new forests, we (save) _____ wild animals. If we (take) ____ care of our planet, we not (have) ____ so many environmental problems. If people not (pollute) ______ the planet, many species of animals not (have) ________ disappeared. If he (inform) ______ me earlier, I (do) _______ something about it.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, using Conditional II or III

  • If we (cut down) _______ fewer forests, the air (be) _____ clean and fresh.
  • If we (pollute) ______ our rivers and lakes, they (be) _______ full of fish.
  • If we (be) _______ clever and careful, we not (live) ______ among litter and waste.
  • If we (plant) ______ more new forests, we (save) _____ wild animals.
  • If we (take) ____ care of our planet, we not (have) ____ so many environmental problems.
  • If people not (pollute) ______ the planet, many species of animals not (have) ________ disappeared.
  • If he (inform) ______ me earlier, I (do) _______ something about it.
Let’s check If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean and fresh. If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be full of fish. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste. If we planted more new forests, we would save wild animals. If we took care of our planet, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems. If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many species of animals wouldn’t  have  disappeared . If he had informed me earlier, I would have done something about it.

Let’s check

  • If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean and fresh.
  • If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be full of fish.
  • If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.
  • If we planted more new forests, we would save wild animals.
  • If we took care of our planet, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems.
  • If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared .
  • If he had informed me earlier, I would have done something about it.
Homework Домашнее задание:  Write a story about environmental problems and their solutions (до 12 фраз). Творческое задание: Draw a picture of a perfect world. Write your proposals. Задание повышенной сложности:  Write a script for a short video film advising people how they can try to save the Earth.


Домашнее задание: Write a story about environmental problems and their solutions (до 12 фраз).

Творческое задание: Draw a picture of a perfect world. Write your proposals.

Задание повышенной сложности: Write a script for a short video film advising people how they can try to save the Earth.


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