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"Здоровое питание". Урок английского языка в 10-ом классе.

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«"Здоровое питание". Урок английского языка в 10-ом классе.»

Учитель: Шалдыбина Марина Леонидовна

Английский язык 10-А класс

Урок 62

Тема: Здоровое питание

Дата: 08.02.2023

Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок

Цель: Формирование языковых компетенций. Развитие навыков и умений учащихся.


Обучающие - Расширение знания о здоровом питании и здоровом образе жизни. Изучение новой лексики и её активное применение. Закрепление лексики на тему «еда» в речи и на письме.

Развивающие - Развитие навыков работы с текстом и поиска нужной информации. Развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в парах. Развитие умения построения монологических высказываний. Развитие творческого мышления.

Воспитательные - Воспитание внимательного отношения к своему здоровью, привитие навыков здорового образа жизни, формирование общей культуры учащихся.

Оборудование: Spotlight 10, компьютер, раздаточный материал

Ход урока

I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке.

1. Приветствие и объявление темы урока.

-Good morning boys and girls.

The theme of our lesson today is Healthy food. We’ll work with the text “Rainbow of food”. We’ll get information about how food colour affects us.

2. Warming up activity. Работа с пословицей. Read the proverb and give your interpretation of it.

Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are.(Скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты / что ты из себя представляешь.)

- When people eat a lot of sweets, they can have bad teeth.

- When people eat a lot of fat food, they can become fat.

- When people eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, they look good and pretty.

- When people eat right food, they are healthy.

- When people eat a lot of junk food, they can have health problems.

- Americans eat a lot of fast food and drink much cola, so many of them are overweight.

- A lot of famous people are vegetarians, they look great.

II. Основной этап урока.

1. Работа с лексикой. Vocabulary Food (упр.1, стр.102)

а) Look at the list of products. Which are fruits and which are vegetables? -Grapes, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cherries, lemons, melons, strawberries, рineapples, blueberries, peaches, pears, raspberries, plums are fruits. - Broccoli, carrots, lettuce, celery, aubergines, pumpkins are vegetables.

(You know, that tomato is considered to be a fruit. And in some European countries carrot is also thought a fruit. Because it is sweet and is used to make jam.)

b) Which of these words are countable and which ones are uncountable? Make up plural where it is possible.

- Let’s write the words on the board and in your exercise-books in two columns.

Countable: grapes, apples, carrots, oranges, tomatoes, cherries, lemons, melons, strawberries, … Uncountable: broccoli, lettuce, celery…(Учащиеся записывают слова в тетрадях и на доске в две колонки - исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные).

c) Now let’s say what colours these fruits and vegetables are.

  • Pineapples, lemons, corn and bananas are yellow.

  • Broccoli, lettuce, apples, limes and peas are green.

  • Pumpkin, oranges, peaches and carrots are orange.

  • Tomatoes, apples, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, watermelon are red.

  • Plums, figs, grapes, aubergines are violet.

2. Работа с текстом Rainbow of Food (упр.4, стр.103).

а) List which colour food you ate yesterday? How do you think colour is related to food? Read the text to find out.

Rainbow of Food

A Red foods get you moving. They give you that extra boost when you really need it the most. What’s more, eating foods in this group will protect you from many serious illnesses and can keep older people active for longer. So, have you got a big game tonight? Is it your turn to do the gardening? Then go ahead and treat yourself to one or even two of your favourite red foods.

B Orange foods are brain food. They help you keep your mind on things and really improve your powers of concentration. On the physical side, foods like mangoes, oranges and peaches have lots of vitamin C. This is important because that’s the vitamin that helps your body fight off infections. As everyone knows, carrots are also fantastic for your eyesight. After all, you’ve never seen a rabbit wearing glasses, have you?

C Yellow foods are nature’s way of helping us to stay happy. They make you more optimistic. Imagine that you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps. Eat a banana and you’ll feel a smile coming on and by the time you finish your tall glass of lemonade, you’ll be grinning from ear to ear! What could be easier? Enjoying yellow foods is better for you, emotionally, than hearing the best jokes in the world.

D Broccoli, lettuce and cucumbers are all green foods. These foods are great when you want to relax, calm yourself down or keep your emotions under control. Green foods are good for you because they contain minerals and vitamins that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy, so next time your mum tells you to eat all your peas don’t complain, just do it. Remember, mums always know what’s best for you, no matter how old you are!

E You’ve had a hard day and now you just want to flop in front of the TV for a bit before you go to bed. When your tummy starts rumbling you go in search of a quick snack – but what should you eat? The best thing at this time of the day is something blue. Blue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you for a good night’s rest. Say goodnight with a delicious bowl of blueberries or a handful of tasty raisins.

F Shakespeare, Da Vinci and Picasso must have all been fans of purple foods. This is because fruits and vegetables like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative. If that isn’t a good enough reason to eat them, then think about this…purple foods can keep you looking young! Imagine being eighty years old, but looking as if you’re forty and just about to finish writing your second best-selling novel. Bring on the purple foods!

b) Look through, explain and translate the words and phrases in bold. Use them to make sentences.

Boost is energy. (энергия)

Brain is inside our head. We think with it. (мозг)

Infections are illnesses. (инфекции)

Concentration is a possibility to focus on smt. (концентрация)

Optimistic is happy, in a good mood, positive. (оптимистичный)

Eyesight is vision. (зрение)

Emotions are feelings. (эмоции)

Complain means to be unsatisfied with smt and talk to someone about it. (жаловаться)

A tummy is a stomach. (живот, желудок)

A handful means a small amount of smt. (пригоршня)

Creative is a person with imagination, who likes creating, designing or inventing smth. (творческий, креативный)

3. Работа с упражнениями к тексту.

a) Учебная беседа. Which colour food should you eat if…(упр.4 b), стр.102) 1. you have a difficult exam to study for? 2. you are feeling very nervous about meeting someone? 3. you are worried about getting lines and wrinkles? 4. you’ve been feeling a bit sad lately? 5. you are taking part in a championship swimming match?

b) Выполнение лексических упражнений.

1. Find words in the text related to the body (упр.5, стр.103)

(brain, mind, body, eye, ear, teeth, bones, tummy)

2. Find the verbs/phrases which mean (упр.6, стр.103):

- eat or buy smt you really enjoy (treat yourself);

- get rid off (fight off);

- depressed and miserable (a bit down in the dumps);

- smiling broadly (grinning from ear to ear);

- looking for (in search).

4. Речевые упражнения.

а) Speaking. Healthy food/Unhealthy food. (стр.103) Look at the chart. What do you learn about healthy and unhealthy food?

- Healthy food is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. We can find high amounts of them in fruit and vegetables.

- Healthy food is rich in protein. We can find high amounts of it in chicken, milk, cheese, yoghurt, meat and fish.

- Healthy food is rich in carbohydrates. We can find high amounts of them in eggs, rice, potatoes and cereal.

- Unhealthy food is rich in sugar and fat. We can find high amounts of it in sweets, biscuits, fizzy drinks, butter, oil, chocolate, crisps, cakes.

b) Writing. Choose the correct word and write down the sentences into your copy books. (упр.3, стр.102).

1. I want a bottle of fizzy/still water, not sparkling.

2. She loves bitter/oily chocolate.

3. Cinnamon and ginger are additives/spices.

4. Let’s eat. I’m starving/greedy.

5. Fizzy drinks contain artificial/fake additives.

6. We had lamb chops as a main/basic course.

Now be ready to discuss some things connected with these words.

1. Why is still water better than fizzy water? (Почему вода без газа лучше, чем с газом?)

(Because fizzy water contains carbon acid and can be unpleasant for a stomach. (Потому что вода с газом содержит углекислоту и может быть неприятна для желудка.)

(Doctors recommend drinking still water if you do sports or lose weight. (Доктора рекомендуют пить простую воду, если вы занимаетесь спортом или худеете.)

2. Do you like bitter chocolate? (Вы любите горький шоколад?)

(No, I don’t. It’s not tasty. It’s not sweet. I prefer milk chocolate. (Нет. Он не вкусный, не сладкий. Я предпочитаю молочный.)

(Yes, I do. It’s better and healthier than milk chocolate. It’s not so allergic. (Да. Он лучше и полезней, чем молочный. Он не такой аллергичный.)

3. Why do people add spices in the food? (Почему люди добавляют специи в еду?)

(Spices add taste to the food. –Food becomes more delicious when we add spices. –Food smells better when we add spices. (Специи добавляют еде вкуса. Еда становится более изысканной, когда добавляют специи. Еда пахнет приятней.)

4. What do you think about artificial additives? (Что вы думаете об искусственных добавках?)

(I think that all products we buy in the shops have artificial additives. (Я думаю, что все продукты, которые мы покупаем в магазинах, имеют искусственные добавки.)

(They help to keep food longer and not to go off. (Они позволяют еде дольше храниться и не портиться.)

(Artificial additives give food more taste. (Искусственные добавки придают еде больше вкуса.)

(I think they are not good for our health. We should try to avoid food with artificial additives. (Я думаю, они неполезны для здоровья. Нам следует избегать еды с искусственными добавками.)

(We’d better buy natural products or grow them ourselves in the garden. (Лучше покупать натуральные продукты или выращивать их самим в саду.)

(It’s a good idea to eat fresh food-fruit and vegetables and cook at home not buy processed food or junk food. (Хорошая идея - есть свежую еду (фрукты/овощи) и готовить дома, а не покупать полуфабрикаты или нездоровую еду.)

III. Заключительный этап урока.

1. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок.

2. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. Home assignment (упр.8, стр.103).

Prepare a two-minute talk about improving eating habits using a rainbow diet. In your speech:

• say why we should have healthy eating habits

• mention ways a rainbow diet can help us

• recommend the diet.
Record yourself.


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