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Evaluation of Essential Question.

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We evaluated the EQ of Sarsenbina Saltanat and Zhuravskaya Yuliya

The EQ is: “Why creating a story shown on the layout helps to learn prepositions of place?”

The product will be a story played on the layout.


5 (100%-90%)

4 (89%-75%)

3 (74%-50%)

2 (49%-0%)


Compelling, open-ended, providing the central focus on a theme/issue that provokes and sustains student discussion to drive students’ inquiry by raising other important questions.

Must be argued/ discovered during investigation

Significant, open-ended enough to drive student’s inquiry and clearly linked to the theme, issue, or question, with unpredictable student information related to the question. Must be investigated and synthesized.

Unimportant and/or open-ended requiring only rote answers that can be found in references.

Are researched.

If stated objectively, the clues in the question limit thinking by pointing to answers in resources.

Trivial and/or closed question requiring a “yes” or “no” answer. If an explanation is required, the explanation is a rote answer that can be found in references.

Whether stated objectively or subjectively the fact that the question is “closed” leads to predictable results or personal reflection.

Thought-provocativeness or controversial requiring

The question is thought-provoking.

The question’s thought-provocativeness or controversial requiring is average.

The question’s thought-provocativeness or controversial requiring is below the average.

The question’s thought-provocativeness or controversial requiring is low.


The level of complexity is rather high and it requires deep thinking.

The level of complexity is not so high, however, students will think about it.

The level of complexity is below average and students will have some problems in the process of understanding the question.

The level of complexity is low. Moreover, students will not think about this question.


It requires the project aim and helps to determine the final outcome.

It does not require the project aim but stil helps to determine the final outcome.

It does not require the project aim and it’s help to determine the final outcome is below the average.

It does not require the project aim and it does not help to determine the final outcome.


The question has an authentic context, involves real-world tasks, tools, and quality standards, makes a real impact on the world, and/or speaks to students’ personal concerns, interests, or identities.

The question has some authentic features, but they may be limited or feel contrived.

The question has some authentic features, but they are completely limited.

The question resembles traditional “schoolwork;” it lacks a real-world context, tasks and tools, does not make a real impact on the world or speak to students’ personal interests.

Alignment to Standards/Core Curriculum

Clearly supports the Standards, and go to the heart of the theme, concepts, issues of the discipline

Recur naturally throughout one’s learning in the study of the discipline.

Clearly supports the Standards, and go to the heart of the theme, concepts/issues of the discipline.

Recur in the study of the topic.

Linked to the Standards and the theme, concepts, issues of the discipline.

Isolated within a segment of the topic.

Relationship to the Standards is questionable and must be defended.


Unrelated to the theme, concepts/issues of the discipline.

Evaluators’ Names: Aliya Bekbussinova and Natalia Chernykh (32 ER)

Title of Website: Мультиурок

Address or URL: https://multiurok.ru/files/essential-question-in-collaboration-with-zhuravska.html



Thought-provocativeness or controversial requiring








Alignment to Standards/Core Curriculum


Overall evaluation

85 %.

04.04.2018 16:30

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