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Rubrics for website evaluation

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Rubrics for website evaluation


Excellent “5”

Good “4”

Poor “3”


Website is very informative. There are all of the tasks and some other educational files for students

All of the tasks are presented on the website but there is no additional educational files

Website provided only 1 or 2 tasks and there is no any additional educational files

Spelling and Grammar

There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar. The site contains excellent sentence structure and word use

There are minimal errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar and the reader is not distracted by these errors

There are many errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar, making it challenging for the reader to get through the pages

Website design

—font, and color was very memorable and highly interactive

—website contains personal photographs and avatar —name of the website’s author is indicated on the page — website contains full range of information concerning the explanation of the choice to become a teacher

—Website contains minimum of information about the author of the page and his/her explanation of the choice to become a teacher —There’s an avatar, but the website doesn’t contain personal photographs —information is not organized in a readable format

—There’s a lack of the website’s owner information

—the explanation of choice to become a teacher is not sufficient —There is no any personal photographs or avatar —Colors and fonts make the content hard to read or otherwise distract the reader.


The author of the website has made the content of the website interesting and helpful to the readers, so the website has a large number of followers among by teachers and teacher-trainees

The author of the website has tried to make the content of the site interesting to the readers, but only part of the data is helpful and

The author of the website has not created valuable content and the maximum number of followers is 1-2

Evaluation of the website

Name: Yuliya Bondarenko (33 ER) Evaluated by : Aisha Dosmagambetova (34 ER)


Excellent “5”

Good “4”

Poor “3”


Spelling and Grammar

Website design


Total: 19

27.04.2017 20:34

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