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Breaking the ice

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Презентация "Break the ice" Module 1. 

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«Breaking the ice»

What feeling do the actions suggest? Palms sweat Scratch one’s head Tap one’s foot Bite one’s lip Cross one’s arm Shrug the shoulders Clench one’s teeth/fists Raise one’s eyebrows

What feeling do the actions suggest?

Palms sweat

Scratch one’s head

Tap one’s foot

Bite one’s lip

Cross one’s arm

Shrug the shoulders

Clench one’s teeth/fists

Raise one’s eyebrows

What feeling do the actions suggest? Nick’s palms are sweating . He seems to be nervous. Furious Surprised Impatient Bored Unsure Worried Puzzled

What feeling do the actions suggest?

  • Nick’s palms are sweating . He seems to be nervous.
  • Furious
  • Surprised
  • Impatient
  • Bored
  • Unsure
  • Worried
  • Puzzled
What are your first feelings when you meet new people I feel a bit nervous. My palms sweat and I start biting my lips. Palms sweat Furious Scratch one’s head Surprised Tap one’s foot Impatient Bite one’s lip Bored Unsure Cross one’s arm Shrug the shoulders Worried Clench one’s teeth/fists Puzzled Raise one’s eyebrows

What are your first feelings when you meet new people

  • I feel a bit nervous. My palms sweat and I start biting my lips.

Palms sweat


Scratch one’s head


Tap one’s foot


Bite one’s lip



Cross one’s arm

Shrug the shoulders


Clench one’s teeth/fists


Raise one’s eyebrows

Breaking the ice What do you expect to read about? What is the main idea of the text? How can you explain the phrase “Breaking the ice”? Is it about natural ice or people’s communication problem ? How would you start a conversation with someone you don’t know? (examples/ideas)

Breaking the ice

  • What do you expect to read about?
  • What is the main idea of the text?
  • How can you explain the phrase “Breaking the ice”?
  • Is it about natural ice or people’s communication problem ?
  • How would you start a conversation with someone you don’t know? (examples/ideas)
Breaking the ice (1 st time reading)  Mark the sentences T/ F/ DS Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to start feeling relaxed with a new person. People feel uncomfortable when meeting someone new because they cannot predict their reactions. Some people don’t have any passions. When you meet someone for the 1 st time it’s better to look serious. Confident people don’t postpone things. When you start a conversation, talk a lot about yourself. If you feel uncomfortable with new people avoid being around them.

Breaking the ice (1 st time reading)

Mark the sentences T/ F/ DS

  • Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to start feeling relaxed with a new person.
  • People feel uncomfortable when meeting someone new because they cannot predict their reactions.
  • Some people don’t have any passions.
  • When you meet someone for the 1 st time it’s better to look serious.
  • Confident people don’t postpone things.
  • When you start a conversation, talk a lot about yourself.
  • If you feel uncomfortable with new people avoid being around them.
Breaking the ice (1 st time reading) What are the headings about? Can we name them “steps”? SMILE   DEVELOP PASSIONS   BE POSITIVE   BE A GOOD LISTENER   GET OUT THERE

Breaking the ice (1 st time reading)

  • What are the headings about? Can we name them “steps”?






Try to explain the words -situation that makes it possible to do something  -to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment -to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time -to like, to consider someone attractive  -full of light, shining -a helpful or good effect -to change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form -to stay away from someone or something  (after- ex 4 p11) Opportunity   Blush   Approach   Fancy   Bright Benefit Develop   Avoid

Try to explain the words

-situation that makes it possible to do something 

-to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment

-to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time

-to like, to consider someone attractive

-full of light, shining

-a helpful or good effect

-to change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form

-to stay away from someone or something

(after- ex 4 p11)

  • Opportunity
  • Blush
  • Approach
  • Fancy
  • Bright
  • Benefit
  • Develop
  • Avoid
Character adjectives  Positive Optimistic Sensitive Patient Easy-going Sociable Honest Reliable  Negative Stubborn Selfish Shy

Character adjectives


  • Optimistic
  • Sensitive
  • Patient
  • Easy-going
  • Sociable
  • Honest
  • Reliable


  • Stubborn
  • Selfish
  • Shy
Match the opposites Pessimistic Confident Generous Unreliable Flexible Insincere Insensitive Unsociable Impatient Irritable Optimistic Shy Selfish Reliable Stubborn Sincere Sensitive Sociable Patient Easy-going

Match the opposites

  • Pessimistic
  • Confident
  • Generous
  • Unreliable
  • Flexible
  • Insincere
  • Insensitive
  • Unsociable
  • Impatient
  • Irritable
  • Optimistic
  • Shy
  • Selfish
  • Reliable
  • Stubborn
  • Sincere
  • Sensitive
  • Sociable
  • Patient
  • Easy-going
Which of the adjectives best describe you?  Is there a quality you don’t have, but would like to have? -I’m sociable and honest. I’d like to be more patient. And you? -I’m quite patient but I’d like to be more confident.

Which of the adjectives best describe you?

Is there a quality you don’t have, but would like to have?

-I’m sociable and honest. I’d like to be more patient. And you?

-I’m quite patient but I’d like to be more confident.

Say three steps people can do to break the ice at the first meeting To break the ice people should (can)…

Say three steps people can do to break the ice at the first meeting

To break the ice people should (can)…

At home Ex 9 p11- learn the phrases by heart! Ex 5, 6 p11- learn the character adjectives and describe 5 friends as in the example. p10- read the text carefully , learn the new words and write down the main steps of ice breaking!

At home

  • Ex 9 p11- learn the phrases by heart!
  • Ex 5, 6 p11- learn the character adjectives and describe 5 friends as in the example.
  • p10- read the text carefully , learn the new words and write down the main steps of ice breaking!


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