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Lesson Plan "Travelling", grade 3

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Урок-обобщение по теме "Путешествие" разработан с учетом программных требований и возрастных особенностей учащихся. В ходе урока использованы активные методы обучения и применение цифровых образовательных ресурсов.

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«Lesson Plan "Travelling", grade 3»

План урока английского языка

Тема: Travelling – Unit Revision


Дата: 15.03.2018

ФИО учителя:


Кол-во присутствующих:


Цель обучения

  1. students will be able to improve their speaking and writing skills, brief the material from the Unit about travelling, review grammar – structure TO BE GOING TO, modal verb - CAN, do differential grammar exercises; work in pairs and in groups;

  2. students will be able to make phrases on the topic;

  3. students will appreciate self organization

Цели обучения/

Ожидаемый результат

Everybody: know the words, can read and translate them;

Most: use their knowledge in doing grammar and lexica exercises, work in groups;

Some: can make monological and dialogical speech, ask and answer the questions;

Языковые цели

Students will be able to read, write and use words and sentences in their speech

Предшествующее обучение



Планируемое время

(в минутах)

Запланированная деятельность



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика



1.Greeting students, positive mood

An activity – “Let’s greet on different languages”

Students greet each other using different languages


Presentation with phrases



2.Warming-up – Reading the poem

Take a bus or take a train,
Take a boat or take a plane,
Take a taxi, take a car,
Maybe near or maybe far,
Take a rocket to the moon,
But be sure to come back soon.

3. I think you understand that we have had some lessons on the one topic. And the poem is also about one of the most wonderful thing … Can you guess the topic for today? Yes, you are right. It’s travelling.

We are going to have a trip around the world on different transport. We will have three teams. Take the cards and make three groups.

Music, splitting up into three groups

Can you guess the aims for the lesson?

Each group has its ticket- keeper, who is responsible for giving that for the correct answer.

Group roles

The Leader does the correction work


Organizer of communication

Ticket - keeper

Students are asked to listen to the poem, then read that in class and then students recite the poem to each other and give feedback to their mates.

Students work in pairs and then check with the board (Keys)

Students take the cards and make three groups, change their places.

Sts share the ideas they have about the topic. Also they should aim.

Students share the roles

Formative assessment



Splitting cards – images with



“to be going to”

Основная часть


4.The first task is to think of what kinds of transport do you know? (Land, water, air) Let’s see if you can divide that in the groups. You are going to work with the notebooks. Stick the words into correct column and match the appropriate picture.

Speaking – How can we travel to Great Britain? Australia? Russia? Etc.

5.The first stop would be in Great Britain. We are going to review structures with “to be Going to”.

First of all, I would like you to pack the suitcase.

Let’s see if you are going or not going to take with you different things.

Let’s watch the video and then you will have a task.


Very good!

6. Let’s move further and do the physical activity.


7. The next stop is in the Travel Agency

The agency invites you to three different countries. Let’s talk what you can and can’t do in these countries.


Drink 5 o’clock tea

Big Ben



Eat rice




Drink coffee

See pyramids

Eat much meat

Two students have to make a Learning Apps activity


Please, write down 3 unreal sentences

Sts check with the board

Students answer the questions

Sts work in groups to tell the sentences

Ex. – I am going to take a tent.

I am not going to take a pet.

Students watch the video and then do the task individually

Then the leader from each group check the sheets

Students do the actions

Students tell as many true sentences as they can

Ex. I can play netball in Great Britain.

I can’t speak Chinese in Egypt.

Students write down sentences

Formative assessment

Formative assessment

Peer correction


Formative assessment

Formative assessment

Presentation, notebooks

Map on the presentation

Pictures on the different presentation

Video, board





1.Reflection – “M&M’s”

I invite you to the last station. It is in the USA. It is a chocolate factory. Do you know the name? Today our reflexia depends on the candy you’ve chosen.

Green – Что вы взяли с сегодняшнего урока?

Brown – Над чем заставил задуматься урок?

Yellow – Оправдались ли ваши ожидания от урока?

Blue – Пожелание одноклассникам

Red – Почему было трудно или легко?

The most active students have a small candy! The marks will be on your individual sheets.

2.Tell the home task

3. Saying Good bye in different languages

Have a dialogue

To continue work on the sheets they have before


Count your tickets and say how many you have

More than 7 – “5”

Less than 7 - “4”

chocolate for reflection, candies

Exercise-books, diaries


Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?


Russian, Geography

Differentiation is provided by support.

Differentiation by pace (extension).

Observe learners when participating in discussion. Did each learner contribute to the discussion? If not, why not? (e.g. didn’t understand what to do; not so confident speaking English; not interested in topic; other)

Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? (give directions)


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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