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Разработка урока по теме "Спорт в нашей жизни"

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На данном уроке реализуется цель- формирование  устной и письменной речи учащихся на тему «Sport in our life» посредством мотивации через различные виды деятельности.

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«Разработка урока по теме "Спорт в нашей жизни"»

Косякова Елена Александровна МБОУ «Дульдургинская СОШ»

Урок в 6 классе по теме “Спорт”

Тема урока «Спорт в нашей жизни» с сопровождением презентации в Power Point.

Класс -6

Цель урока:

Формирование устной и письменной речи учащихся на тему «Sport in our life» посредством мотивации через различные виды деятельности.


1. Совершенствование уменией и навыков практического владения английским языком по различным видам речевой деятельности; аудированию, чтению, говорению, письму

2. Развитие компетенций, связанных с работой в сотрудничестве для эффективности, мобильности и результативности.

3. Учить воспитывать положительное отношение к занятиям спортом, для укрепления своего здоровья.

Оборудование и материалы для урока:

  • Компьютеры

  • Интерактивная доска

  • Презентация к уроку.

  • Тренажер

  • Раздаточный материал

  • Интернет

Ход урока:

  1. Вводно-мотивационный этап:

Знакомство с классом. Демонстрация презентации о спорте.

Обсуждение видов спорта и выявление любимых видов спорта

Ответ на вопрос: О чем мы будем сегодня говорить на уроке

Выявление проблемы урока.

Учебная задача: Подготовить необходимую информацию для написания эл.письма известному спортсмену.

  1. Операционно-содержательный этап:

Тренировочные упражнения на освоение лексических единиц:

  • Прослушать стих и вписать правильное слово

  • Определить вид спорта

  • Назвать спорт в каком есть мяч

  • Выполнение пазла, для определения слова

  • Чтение эл. писем

  • Интерактивное упражение на грамматику(вопросительные слова)

  • Выполнение от-лайн теста (лексика)

  • Чтение эл. писем известных спортсменов.

  1. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап:

Самооценка учащихся

Выполнение он-лайн теста

- Домашнее задание: написать письмо спортсмену.

The lesson

1.Greetings. Say “Hello” (Sing a song)

-Let’s watch and repeat.(Presentation- trainer)











2. How do you think what we talk about? SPORT-is the goal for our lesson.

  1. I like sport

  2. Do you like sport?

  3. I do sport

  4. Do you do sport?

  5. My favorite sport is tennis

  6. What is your favorite sport?


Dear little ___ and girls!
What is better than the ___?
I think ___ are good for all
You can swim, play___
Table ___ and ___
We can ___ and we can run,
And we ___ a lot of ___.

.Listen to the poem “Sports” and complete the poem

Dear little boys and girls
What is better than the toys?

I think we are good for all
You can swim, play basketball
Table tennis and football
We can jump and we can run
And we have a lot of fun

Your task is to complete the poem using these words (have, boys, sports, tennis, basketball, jump, fun)

  1. Look at your desks; you can see cards, take them please.

You are listening to the texts, there are four of them.And guess the name of sport. 

Text 1

This game is over for two players or two pairs. They play it with a ball on a court

Text 2

This game is popular in Russia and Canada. Two teams play it on ice.

Text 3

It is an old game. Two teams of eleven players play it. They kick a ball around.

Text 4

Two teams of five players play this game. They throw a ball into a basket









5.Name things you can do with a ball.

5 games where you can hit the ball. (with various kinds of equipment).-Tennis, table tennis, squash, badminton, cricket, baseball, hockey.

4 games where you can pass the ball.-football, American football, hockey, rugby, basketball.

3 games where you can catch the ball.-rugby, American football, cricket, baseball, basketball.

2 games where you can kick the ball.-football, rugby.

1 game where you can hit the ball with your head.-football.

Do you do exercises?

Let’s relex (Sport minutes –VIDEO)

6.Read the puzzle, write the letters in the boxes and make a word.






My first letter is in sock but not in rock

My second letter is in dog but not in dig

My third letter is in cat but not in bat

My fourth letter is in hat but not in rat

My fifth letter is in pin but not in pan

- We are very proud of this Russian city. The International Olympic Committee decided that Sochi would host the 22nd Winter Olympic Games.

7. Reading and listening

-I think one of you will be a good sportsmen and you will take part in Olympic Games.

- Look at the people in the pictures. What are they famous for? (Maria Sharapova, Irina Slutskaya, Pavel Bure).

These people have got their own fan sites and receive hundreds of e-mails every day. e-mail

1.Dear………. ,

You make me feel so proud to be Russian.

I think you are beautiful with your lovely blonde hair. You have great skill. I think you create an attractive image of Russia for people from other countries.

With love from your number one fan,



Dear………. ,

At last- a great fan site for the Russian Ice Hockey Jet Stick! You are my favorite player. There is no other scorer as good as you!

You show everyone that Russian sportsmen can be strong and tough and that they are the best ice-hockey players.

Keep up the good work!



Dear……… ,

I watched you win the Gold medal in solo figure skating in the 2003 European Championship and I think you are the best! You are a great figure skater. I was very happy when I learned that you have a son. I wish you all the very best!

Katya, your number one fan.

- Read and fill the correct names in each e-mail. Which words helped you?

8.You homework will be to write a letter to you favorite sportsmen.

For this we remember? How make up questions and how do you learn vocabulary.

We do exercises:

- If you want to know smth you ask questions?

What wards begin the questions?

(Interactive exercise ) (www.englishteachers.ru)

- On-line test (www. homeenglish.ru/Test)

Let’s know how many words do you know?

Home task

- Write an e-mail to your favorite sportsman.

There are three medals on your desks: gold, silver and bronze.
Show me the medal how you worked now: 
“gold” – 5
“silver” – 4
“bronze“ – 3


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