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School 1415 Form 8”V” The tea party in Russia and in England Research project The project executive Khodkevitch Kirill The project manager Ogurtsova G.S. Russia Moscow 2017 The contens Introduction 3 Chapter 1.The tea party in Russia 1.1The appearance of tea in Russia 4 1.2The traditions ...
19.11.2017 12:46 396
Protection of ancient monuments ( Stonehenge, the dolmens). There are mysterious ancient monuments on our planet. They are studied by historians and archaeologists, but many questions and discussions are still about it. Stonehenge is a famous archaeological monument in UK. And this is the biggest mystery in Europe. Stonehenge is 130 kilometers from London, in Wiltshire. Stonehenge consists of 82 l ...
19.11.2017 12:23 313
Сomplete the sentencecs ______________ is the coloured part of the eye. Hartmann, for example, writes classic ________________ and non-fiction about Mars. Modern ______________ makes moving money around much easier than it used to be. A________________ in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years. You'll be t________________ to th ...
11.11.2017 14:53 613
Урок – постановка по книге “Beauty and the Beast” из серии “Penguin Kids’. Это классическая история, созданная студией «Дисней» и пересказанная для детей. Урок проводился ...
11.11.2017 14:32 287
Madam Tussaud’s Museum Madam Tussaud’s Museum is a museum of wax models. It is in London now, in Baker Street. It is very popular, because wax models look like real people. The models of many famous people from all over the world are there, including actors, actresses, singers, politicians and many others. This museum started in France as Madame Tussaud’s travelling exhibition of wax models and it moved to London in 1835. Since then ...
11.11.2017 13:07 240
Уроки домашнего чтения с постановкой сцен по книге «Легенды о Робин Гуде» (Издательство «Айрис-пресс, 2010г) Материал подготовлен для учеников 6 класса. Цель – развитие речевых навыков и ознакомление учащихся с лучшими образцами английской литературы. ...
11.11.2017 13:06 1093

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