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My evaluation of the EQ of 33 ER

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Here is my evaluation of the Essential Question made by 2 students: Fomich Yulia and Korzhenkulova Albina

"What are the pecularities of usage of articles on the topic 'Geography of Kazakhstan'?"

1) The level of Complexity: This EQ makes a project quite challenging, because students should learn not only the rules of using English articles, but also to make a good research and deepen their knowledge of the geography of our homeland-Kazakhstan. The topic needs a lot of reading and learning before the question can be answered. Also, their end-up product will be a board game so the students will need to find a creative way to do their best.

2) The level of Coherence: The question is interconnected with both English and Geography, that makes this EQ coherent.

3) The level of Authenticity: The EQ addresses authentic concerns and is connected with the real modern world. Student will need to use and practise their 21st century skills (such as critical thinking,creativity, collaboration and communication) to create their board game. Also they can use different kinds of digital tools create their end-up product. In this way, they could also develop their skills of using technology.

My overall evaluation is 95.

04.04.2018 15:17

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