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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе

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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе

Тема: «London Zoo».

Учебник М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English»

Учитель английского языка высшей категории Смирнова О. Л.


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«Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе»

Dolgorukovo lyceum  London zoo  Teacher: Smirnova O. L.  2015

Dolgorukovo lyceum

London zoo

Teacher: Smirnova O. L.


 Motto: Be careful wh at you say or do, wh en you visit th e animals in th e zoo.


Be careful wh at you say or do,

wh en you visit th e animals in th e zoo.

 London Zoo.  1. London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World. 2. It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in1827 for a scientific work. 3. But in1847 the first visitors came to the zoo. 4. London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park. 5. It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World. 6. Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo. 7. Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino. 8. Many animals were born in the zoo. 9. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. 10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and the first children`s zoo.

London Zoo.

  • 1. London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World.
  • 2. It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in1827 for a scientific work.
  • 3. But in1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.
  • 4. London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park.
  • 5. It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World.
  • 6. Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo.
  • 7. Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.
  • 8. Many animals were born in the zoo.
  • 9. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.
  • 10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and the first children`s zoo.


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