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Задание для 10 класса в формате ЕГЭ

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«Задание для 10 класса в формате ЕГЭ»

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use

  1. College student

  2. Highschooler

  3. Homeschooler

  4. Postgraduate

  5. Preschooler

  6. Undergraduate

A. My son is 4 years old but he can already read and write. All our relatives say that he's a wunderkind and has to go to school. But I believe that he's too young for this. Even if he's smart enough to study at school, I'm still concerned if he's ready to attend school because of his physical and psychological development.

B. I'm going to get my Bachelor's degree in psychology at the end of the year. At first, I have to pass my final exams, of course. I'm still not sure what to do next: either to continue studying and get my Master's degree or start psychological practice at my mother's Support Centre. By all means, I'm really eager to use my knowledge to help people who can't cope with the problems themselves.

C.My cousin doesn't go to school. Her parents are convinced that school education is rather poor and inefficient. They believe that it's impossible for a teacher to attend to every pupil in a class. So, they hired a tutor who teaches their daughter in accordance with the school curriculum. My cousin likes the lessons very much. Moreover, she doesn't have to get up early as her lessons start at 10 a.m.

D.There's a wider range of courses available for us at this level: taught courses, research degrees, conversion courses and professional qualifications. The way that we can study them is also varied. For example, taught courses consist of a series of modules taught in classrooms or laboratories followed by a final dissertation. And research degrees focus on independent project work.

E. I'm twelve years old and I like learning. Our curriculum includes core subjects like English, Maths, Science, History, Geography. There are also two elective courses I have to decide on. I'm still not sure which ones to choose. My mum wants me to take one additional language, either French or German, but I'm not fond of any of them. I'd like to try Visual Arts and Information Software & Technology.

Read the texts 1–7 and choose the correct heading for each text. Use each heading only once. There is one heading that you do not need to use.

A. Have Fun and Keep Fit

B. Don't Be Old-fashioned

C. A Fan of Big City Life

D. A Way to Escape

E. Better Safe than Sorry

F. Money Doesn't Matter

G. The Place Makes a Difference

H. Selfish? Maybe

1. I know a lot of people are fond of going on trips to the countryside. But I can't stand it. There's nothing to do there and it's really boring. Enjoying the outdoors might be OK for an hour or two, but spending the whole weekend there is awful. I prefer the hustle and bustle of big cities.

 2. I'd never like to try extreme sports. They're risky and dangerous. Free time should be a time for relaxation, not for stress and worry. How can one relax doing something scary? I prefer some quiet and peaceful activity. Reading is my all-time favourite.

 3. I never watch TV and neither do my friends. For me, TV is something from the past. Who wants to watch TV when there's the internet? There you can find the most up-to-date information and the latest trends. And what is more, it's always with you on your phone. You can enjoy it wherever you are.


4. Music is important to me. Whatever I do, I listen to music. I listen to it on my way to school and back home, at the supermarket, and on a walk with my dog. Music never bores or annoys me. With my earphones on, I shut myself off from everyone, I'm in my own world. And I'm happy.


5. Voluntary work? No, never. I know it's good and noble to help those in need, to run errands for the elderly, to plant trees, and clean the parks. But I'm too busy with my school studies and sports. I want to have more time for myself. When I have some free time, I just lie down on my bed and relax.


6. Clubbing is my all-time favourite. Dancing is the most enjoyable activity you can think of. It helps you to let out stress and to stay in shape. The atmosphere in clubs is amazing. Everything is so bright and everyone is so positive. Unfortunately, I don't have much time for clubbing but I try to do it at least once a month.


7. You can play video games at home but computers in cyber clubs are completely different. They are powerful, and there you can have effects that cannot be experienced at home. And the most important thing is the spirit of competition and excitement that unites all computer gamers. Each of us is absorbed in the game, but at the same time, we feel unity with the others.


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