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This article is written in Uzbek. The choice of repertoire is important in the composition of the choral and vocal abilities of high school students. Uzbek folk songs come in handy here. The repertoire should be highly ideological, artistically in line with the age characteristics of the ensemble ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:32 100 0
This article is written in Uzbek. First of all, the choir will be attended by students of lower and upper grades, who have a good voice, musical ability, and love the art of singing. A variety of methods are used to select them, such as leaflets, interviews, and meetings. Their interest in the ge ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:30 116 0
This article is written in Uzbek. First of all, the level of activity of the leader and the participants in the study of the song ensures the effectiveness of the work. At the same time, the leader of the circle must have a good grasp of the melody, clearly define the moral, aesthetic and educati ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:29 113 0
This article is written in Uzbek. There are several organizational and practical methods of teaching songs, one of which is conversation. It explains the artistic content of the song, the author and the history of its creation, the idea put forward, the nature of the song, its socio-political sig ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:27 120 0
This article is written in Uzbek. The choir should be aimed at broadening the general musical outlook of the participants, creative work as a team, a sense of responsibility of the majority and the formation of their moral-aesthetic, national-ideological upbringing. Choral art not only educates t ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:26 105 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Independence has opened a wide way to study the universal, national and cultural values ​​of our people. As a result, there is an opportunity to widely apply folk music, which plays an important role in the system of national and cultural values, in the education ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:24 108 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Singing as a group is necessary to develop students' musical reading skills and performance skills. During group singing in the classroom, the student seeks to control his or her own voice, to hear and observe his or her teacher's performance, and to inte ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:23 133 0
This article is written in Uzbek. The new content of education in music education on the basis of state educational standards, along with musical knowledge and skills of students, develops in them such qualities as observation, memory, figurative imagination, creativity, independence, initiative, ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:21 120 0
This article is written in Uzbek. From time immemorial, the great thinkers of the East have used artistic and aesthetic values as an important means of education. The foundations of Eastern spirituality are reflected in the works of Imam al-Bukhari, Imam al-Termizi, Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Abu Rayhan ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:19 106 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Music is one of the most important arts. Therefore, at present, great attention is paid to art clubs, music schools, children's and cultural and educational institutions throughout the country. The main purpose of these institutions is to attract young people ...
Категория: Музыка
30.01.2022 15:17 99 0

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