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Some students think that teacher must be interesting, but strict and fair. However, for others it is more important the way of teaching which must be satisfied. ...
11.11.2020 09:04 107 0
Some people think that young people must rely on their parents’ opinion in choosing a career and continue their family member’s profession. However, others claim that a career choice is a personal affair and everyone has to try his or her strength. ...
11.11.2020 09:03 135 0
Some people think that someone can have a great number of friends but close friend must be only one. However, others believe it is better to make a lot of friends. By the way, is it possible to have many true friends? ...
11.11.2020 09:02 125 0
Some people think that studying in overseas universities is a brilliant idea. However, the others claim that it is better to stay in native land to get worthy education. ...
11.11.2020 09:00 494 0
Some people think that doing sport especially extreme kinds is good not only for men’s body, but it helps to build character too. However, the others claim that risky sports are not right idea for people’s health. ...
11.11.2020 08:58 5591 0
Some people think (that) as English is an international language, only it should be studied at our schools definitely. However, the others claim that it is better to learn other foreign languages too, such as Spanish, French or German. ...
11.11.2020 08:57 117 0
Some people think that regular exercises are very important. However, the others claim that it is better to watch sports programmes on TV or on the Internet. ...
11.11.2020 08:55 133 0
Some people think that reading books is the best way to get knowledge about life. However, the others claim that it would be better to watch a movie version. ...
11.11.2020 08:53 122 0
Some people think that spending money on space exploration is right idea. However, the others claim that it is better to use money for solving global issues. ...
11.11.2020 08:51 158 0
The picture shows us a little boy. It seems to me the boy is in the swimming pool.  ...
23.10.2020 16:21 70 0

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